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GTAP Resource #4100

"How important private food standards are in international trade? Evidence from GlobalGAP certified banana imports of European Union"
by Masood, Amjad

Global agrifood systems are undergoing a rapid transformation which is largely driven by restructuring of the agribusiness sector under globalization process. Furthermore, enhanced consumer concerns about food safety and quality has enhanced this transformation phenomenon. Emergence of the private standards as a much more prevalent part of the governance of agrifood value chains is a dimension of the same shift. As compared to public regulations, private standards are generally more extensive and stringent, easier to set, review and amend; hence they emerged instead of pre-existing public standards. In fact, public standards provide the overall structure, while private standards fill the voids in public regulations (Henson and Humphrey, 2009). There is a great variety among private standards in terms of thematic focus, freedom of compliance as well as their geographic coverage; and trade effects of such standards are various and not straightforward to analyze. As compared to large amount of literature with a focus on public regulations such as Sanitary and Phytosanitary measures of WTO, there has been less quantitative research about private standards as data availability may often be a limiting factor. Thereby, the potentially far-reaching implications of private food standards for trading patterns and rent distribution are not yet well understood.
This study aims to contribute to the quantitative literature on private food standards while taking into account the case of international trade in GlobalGAP certified bananas. GlobalGAP is a pre-farm-gate, business to business, voluntary, food safety standard spread across the globe in 112 countries certifying 409 agricultural products with a major focus on vegetables and fruits. Of all GlobalGAP products, banana has the highest coverage in terms of number of hectares harvested under the certification (GlobalGAP, 2012) and it has the highest volume of production among all fruits and is amongst the five most consum...

Resource Details (Export Citation) GTAP Keywords
Category: 2013 Conference Paper
Status: Published
By/In: Presented at the 16th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, Shanghai, China
Date: 2013
Created: Masood, A. (4/10/2013)
Updated: Masood, A. (4/15/2013)
Visits: 1,233
- Agricultural policies
- Food prices and food security
- Non-Tariff barriers
- European Union

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