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GTAP Resource #4105

"Potential and limitations of bioenergy options for low carbon transitions"
by Bibas, Ruben and Aurelie Mejean

Sustaining low CO2 emission pathways to 2100 may rely on electricity production from biomass. We analyse the effect of the availability of biomass resources and technologies with and without carbon capture and storage (CCS) within a general equilibrium framework. Biomass technologies are introduced into the electricity module of the hybrid Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) model Imaclim-R. We assess the robustness of this technology, with and without carbon capture and storage, as a way of reaching the RCP 3.7 stabilization target. The impact of a uniform CO2 tax on energy prices, investments and the structure of the electricity mix is examined.

In order to assess the implications of the assumptions of biomass and CCS availability from both an energy and economic perspectives, Imaclim-R integrates specific information on the electricity and liquid fuels sectors within a consistent economic framework, including the competition with other agricultural products and energy goods. This setting reveals the impacts and interactions of biomass energy with CCS with upstream and downstream economic activities. In particular, Imaclim-R includes a bottom-up electricity supply model accounting for the diversity of technologies and fuels and sectoral specificities of electricity supply, such as capacity vintages and investment crowding-out. In that framework, biomass production and use result from the interaction of energy demand from all sectors, competition between liquid fuels and with agricultural goods. The sectoral bottom-up modules interact with the CGE macroeconomic framework to assess the macroeconomic effects of climate and energy policies.

The modelling exercise reveals the complex dynamics of the links between electricity production and prices, fossil fuels markets and demand for energy at various time horizons. The availability of carbon capture and storage creates a path dependency and conditions the evolution of the electricity mix, while the low ava...

Resource Details (Export Citation) GTAP Keywords
Category: 2013 Conference Paper
Status: Published
By/In: Presented at the 16th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, Shanghai, China
Date: 2012
Created: Mejean, A. (4/11/2013)
Updated: Mejean, A. (4/11/2013)
Visits: 1,136
- Dynamic modeling
- Renewable energy
- Climate change policy
- Land use
- Economic growth
- Technological change

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