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GTAP Resource #4123

"The Composite Impact of the Low-Carbon Development Policies in Beijing’s Urbanization: A Regional Dynamic CGE Modeling "
by Fan, Mingtai, Taoyuan Wei, Xiao-Guang Zhang and Yumei Zhang

The transition to a low-carbon economy, originated from the thinking on the energy future, climate change and sustainable development, has gained global momentum in recent decade. China in the industrialization and the urbanization process has to find an effective and inclusive strategy with policy mix for the low-carbon development. The research on the policies and planning for low-carbon development in China and as well Beijing is accordingly becoming a frontier of policy concerns.

This report aims to highlight the offsetting and the synergy effects in terms of economic growth, energy consumption, and carbon emission by industry of policy pair by quantifying the impact of different low-carbon development policies. we take Beijing as a case to analyze counter-facturally the cost effective policy mix for low-carbon development in urbanization with a dynamic CGE model. This model is a SAM-based regional one, which follows the assumptions of energy consumption and CO2 emission by industries of the GRACE model by CICERO in Norway, the assumptions of commodity flows out-and-in of Beijing as depicted in the PRCGEM model by the IQTE Team at CASS. The policies in the designed scenarios include: (1) A flat increase in energy efficiency by industry; (2) An increase in investment in electricity industry; (3) A flat carbon tax by industry; (4) A policy pair, i.e a mix of carbon tax and investment subsidy for energy conservation and emission reduction to keep the governmental revenue neural.

The conclusion is that the cost effective low-carbon development strategy should be one on the integrated application of practical policies.


Resource Details (Export Citation) GTAP Keywords
Category: 2013 Conference Paper
Status: Published
By/In: Presented at the 16th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, Shanghai, China
Date: 2013
Created: Fan, M. (4/13/2013)
Updated: Fan, M. (5/1/2013)
Visits: 1,655
- Dynamic modeling
- Climate change policy
- Climate impacts
- Other data bases and data issues
- The GTAP Data Base and extensions
- Asia (East)

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Posted by: Fan, Mingtai   5/1/2013 11:09:00 AM