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GTAP Resource #4298

"GTAP 8 Data Base Documentation - Chapter 10.F: ATC Export Tax Equivalents"
by Francois, Joseph, Julia Wörz and Badri Narayanan

For 2004, this dataset was contributed by Joseph Francois and Julia Wörz, based on the paper whose abstract is as follows:

We develop a panel-based ICLS framework for estimating the export tax equivalent (ETE) of quotas where the ETEs vary over time. Working with a panel of bilateral data on textile and clothing trade, underlying bilateral tariffs, and the country-pair coverage of quotas under the WTO’s Agreement on Textiles and Clothing (ATC), we use this framework to examine the evolution of market access conditions in the textile and clothing sectors. Our estimating framework takes advantage of the panel nature of trade data when calculating export tax equivalents while allowing for inequality constraints on the quota premium estimates. We also implement quadrature methods for calculating confidence intervals for our regression-based NTB measures.

Resource Details (Export Citation) GTAP Keywords
Category: GTAP 8 Data Base Documentation
Status: Published
By/In: Center for Global Trade Analysis
Date: 2013
Created: Batta, G. (10/31/2013)
Updated: Batta, G. (10/31/2013)
Visits: 3,863
- The GTAP Data Base and extensions

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