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GTAP Resource #4318

"“Moving” land across borders: spatial shifts in land demand and immiserizing effects"
by Das, Gouranga

The rush for land acquisition has attracted considerable attention from the scientific community, although actual research on the topic remains thin. This paper attempts to break new ground by studying the potential effects of land deals in the context of a small open economy subject to exogenous shocks. In particular, it makes three main arguments: first, an increase in world prices of the agro-business sector causes skewed effects in the subsistence sector; second, an attractive premium offered by hosts to lure investors may have immiserizing effects; and third, technological efforts will have favorable effects if host countries adopt policies to revitalize agriculture.

Keywords: land deal; food prices; wage gap; immiserizing deals
JEL Classifications: F22, J31, O15

Resource Details (Export Citation) GTAP Keywords
Category: Other CGE Application
Status: Published
By/In: Journal of Economic Policy Reform
Date: 2013
Version: Vol 16 (1)
Created: Das, G. (11/28/2013)
Updated: Batta, G. (11/28/2013)
Visits: 2,079
- Land use
- Economic development
- Food prices and food security
- Africa (East)
- Africa (Southern)

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