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GTAP Resource #4360

"Assessment of Households’ Food Security in Armed Conflict Areas of Sudan’s North and South Kordofan"
by Ahmed, Adam, Khalid Siddig and Awadalla Mohammed

This study aims at assessing the state of households food security in two states in the central-west of the Sudan, namely Northern and Southern Kordofan States. The selection of the two states is essential to the objectives of this study that focuses on the linkages between food security and the incidences of armed conflicts. In this context, the state of North Kordofan is a relatively stable state with minor incidence of armed clashes, whilst the state of South Kordofan is a major conflict area and one of the hottest conflicts spots in the contemporary Sudan after the separation of the South. Households from the two states are interviewed and a total of 200 structured questionnaires were filled. 100 respondents are randomly chosen from each state. The data collected cover different aspects of livelihood including socioeconomic characteristics, employment status of the household members (in-farm/off-farm), income and its sources, food production (crops/livestock), food consumption (own production/bought), women daily working calendar and the ownership of assets. In addition, the comprehensive food security and hunger survey of the United Nations is also included, which covers the weekly consumption of food, number of meals and cultural attitudes among others. Basic economic statistics such as per capita food production, share of the purchased food of the total household income, Percentage of the household below the food poverty line as well as measures of the food security indexes such (kca/capita/day) will be calculated and used to assess the food security situation. Cross tabulation, simple statistics and graphing will be applied to investigate the linkages among conflicts, food security and livelihood in the study areas. The findings of the analysis are expected help understanding of the state of household’s food security in a conflict-affected region and provide insights to the policy making process in the areas.

Resource Details (Export Citation) GTAP Keywords
Category: Other CGE Application
Status: Not published
Date: 2014
Created: Mohammed, A. (4/7/2014)
Updated: Mohammed, A. (4/7/2014)
Visits: 1,209
- Economic analysis of poverty
- Economic crisis
- Economic development
- Food prices and food security
- Africa (East)

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