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GTAP Resource #4447

"Interaction of TPP and TTIP with Russia-Belarus-Kazakhstan CU trade policy: effects on Russian economy"
by Malokostov, Andrey and Natalia Turdyeva

The paper focuses on assessing possible effect on Russia of trade «meta-agreements»: Transatlantic Trade and Investment Treaty (TTIP) and Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP).
Taking into account plans to deepen economic integration between Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus in the framework of Eurasian Customs Union and Common Economic Space there will be growth of the mutual influence of these economies. Authors report the results of the changing landscape of international trade on Kazakhstan and Belarus, as well. CU’s reaction to the external shock of TTIP and TPP could be important in shaping Russia's position on the issue of trade integration of third countries.
The results of the model runs suggest that Russia would not gain unless Eurasian Customs Union joins the trade liberalization process. Given the broad scope of new initiatives the legitimate question is what should be the basis for the new trade liberalization effort – should it be WTO or multilateral negotiations platforms. We tend to agree with Thorstensen and Ferraz (2014) that, in the presence of TTIP and TTP initiatives, revitalizing trade talks under WTO umbrella would be beneficial for Russia and suit it’s long-term goals.

Resource Details (Export Citation) GTAP Keywords
Category: 2014 Conference Paper
Status: Published
By/In: Presented at the 17th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, Dakar, Senegal
Date: 2014
Version: 1
Created: Turdyeva, N. (4/15/2014)
Updated: Turdyeva, N. (4/15/2014)
Visits: 2,332
- Multilateral trade negotiations
- Non-Tariff barriers
- Non-Tariff measures in services
- Preferential trading arrangements
- Commonwealth of Independent States

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