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GTAP Resource #4478

"Impact of Liberalization and Improved Connectivity and Facilitation in ASEAN"
by Itakura, Ken

This study evaluates the impacts of liberalization and improved connectivity and facilitation among the ASEAN member countries. The subject of such wider liberalization encompasses reforms that have been implemented or will be accomplished in the near future in the ASEAN region. This study attempts to evaluate economic impacts of the liberalization undertaken in the region towards freer trading area by applying economy-wide simulation analysis.

Impacts of liberalization of trade in goods and services would be arising from lowering barriers to trade; for example, reducing import tariffs, ameliorating custom procedures, removing potential barriers to trade in services as well as improving logistics. Collecting information and estimates of tariffs and trade costs associating with liberalization potential is essential part of this study in order to conduct quantitative evaluation. We relied on variety of database and estimates from international organizations, national research institutions, and researchers in this field of impact study.

We conduct policy simulations to capture the impacts of broader regional trade liberalization. Three main components driving the FTAs are to reduce average applied tariffs on goods, to lower barriers to trade in services, and to save time-cost arising relating to logistics.

Simulation results reveal that reducing ad valorem equivalents of trade barriers has significantly positive impact on economic welfare. Although there are differences in magnitude of positive contributions to welfare, all of the FTAs of which the ASEAN member countries are participating tend to raise welfare. Among the FTA policy scenarios examined in this study, the ASEAN+6 FTA leads to the largest positive impact on real GDP for most of the ASEAN member countries. Consequently, liberalization reforms among the ASEAN member countries attract more investments into the region both from domestic and foreign households, as well as generating higher volume...

Resource Details (Export Citation) GTAP Keywords
Category: 2014 Conference Paper
Status: Published
By/In: Presented at the 17th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, Dakar, Senegal
Date: 2014
Version: Revised from ERIA Discussion Paper 2013-01
Created: Itakura, K. (4/15/2014)
Updated: Itakura, K. (6/3/2014)
Visits: 1,173
- Multilateral trade negotiations
- Asia (Southeast)

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