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GTAP Resource #5031

"Structure and tariff impact of the TPP agreement"
by Mimouni, Mondher, Xavier Pichot, Dzmitry Kniahin and Laetitia Rinderknecht

The TPP is an ambitious attempt for countries sharing universal values to create new 21st-century rules of international trade and integrate the economies of the Asia-Pacific region securing significant economic growth.

As of March 2015, there were 31 active bilateral and multilateral FTAs among the TPP countries. They will involve substantial reductions in tariffs but will still leave significant barriers behind.

This paper will study tariff reduction schedules among the 12 TPP countries according to the already existing agreements between them and the new one. In this paper we will also analyze the margin of preferences and related trade potential generated by this regional trade mega-deal as well as the risk of erosion of preferences and trade diversion inside and outside TPP countries.

Resource Details (Export Citation) GTAP Keywords
Category: 2016 Conference Paper
Status: Published
By/In: Presented at the 19th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, Washington DC, USA
Date: 2016
Created: Mimouni, M. (4/15/2016)
Updated: Mimouni, M. (6/14/2016)
Visits: 2,886
- Preferential trading arrangements
- The GTAP Data Base and extensions
- Asia (East)
- North America

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This is a very preliminary graphical draft of our ongoing work on TPP.

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