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GTAP Resource #5336

"CGE modeling for the economic assessment of mega-events: A tentative cookbook"
by Sartori, Martina

This paper aims at making available an interpretative framework to cast the different contributions on the economic assessment of mega-events by means of a computable general equilibrium model. A taxonomy of existing models and approaches is carried out, to clarify to what extent the differences in results are due to the various modeling choices. Their differences and relationships are highlighted, while also providing a standardized reference for future studies. A computable general equilibrium modeling solution that can balance the need to keep the model simple and the need to understand if the hosting country obtains long-term economic gains is suggested.

Resource Details (Export Citation) GTAP Keywords
Category: 2017 Conference Paper
Status: Published
By/In: Presented at the 20th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, West Lafayette, IN, USA
Date: 2017
Version: 1
Created: Sartori, M. (4/15/2017)
Updated: Sartori, M. (4/15/2017)
Visits: 1,876
- Economic development
- Economic growth
- Foreign direct investment
- Labor market issues
- Not Applicable

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