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GTAP Resource #6070

"A Comparison of Armington Elasticity Estimates in the Trade Literature"
by Ahmad, Saad, Chris Montgomery and Samantha Schreiber

The Armington elasticity is one of the key parameters in quantitative trade models as it determines the level of substitutability between domestic and imported varieties of a good in a country. Estimates of this key parameter have been provided by several empirical studies using different methods and data sources. Our goal in this paper is to summarize and compare Armington elasticity estimates at the sector level that are found in this trade literature. We first discuss some of the most commonly used methodologies for estimating Armington elasticities as well the main advantages and challenges associated with each method. Using a common concordance, we then compare these Armington elasticity estimates at the sector level and assess if different levels of aggregation are driving the observed differences across studies. We find that the different estimation strategies, in combination with different levels of sectoral aggregation, has contributed to a wide range of estimates in the literature.

Resource Details (Export Citation) GTAP Keywords
Category: 2020 Conference Paper
Status: Published
By/In: Presented during the 23rd Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis (Virtual Conference)
Date: 2020
Version: 1
Created: Schreiber, S. (4/15/2020)
Updated: Schreiber, S. (6/18/2020)
Visits: 2,155
- Calibration and parameter estimation
- Domestic policy analysis

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