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GTAP Resource #6080

"Trade Policy Issues of Oil-rich but Land-locked Country Case: Focusing on Kazakhstan post-WTO entry"
by Cheong, Inkyo and Valijon Turakulov

Most countries have enjoyed the WTO membership, but some counties faced economic and political disturbance after joining the WTO. An excellent example of the former could be China, and one of the latter can be Kazakhstan. In fact, the country went economic recession after getting WTO membership, and most of the critics blamed the WTO membership. This gives a bad impression to neighboring countries such as Uzbekistan in Central Asia. This paper tries to assess the WTO membership hurt the economy of Kazakhstan. It investigates the reasons why the accession took nineteen years from submitting application, and discussions on the impact of WTO membership and the country's geopolitical issues. Then, it tries to analyze why the country suffered an economic recession with the simulation using a computable general equilibrium (CGE) model, based on its tariff liberalization schedule as a WTO member. The paper underlines that the WTO membership is not a cause for an economic recession for Kazakhstan.

JEL Classifications: F13, F15, F17
Key Words: Kazakhstan, WTO membership, oil price, CGE model

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Resource Details (Export Citation) GTAP Keywords
Category: 2020 Conference Paper
Status: Published
By/In: Presented during the 23rd Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis (Virtual Conference)
Date: 2020
Version: 2
Created: Turakulov, V. (4/15/2020)
Updated: Turakulov, V. (7/14/2020)
Visits: 1,140
- Multilateral trade negotiations
- The GTAP Data Base and extensions
- Asia (South-Central)

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