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GTAP Resource #6260

"Advent of Chinese goods into african markets: Impact on firms’ growth"
by Hounyonou, Quentin

We evaluated in this paper the effects of the China-Africa trade on the sales and size of african businesses. To do this, we used the World Bank's "EnterpriseDataSurvey" databases, Input-Output "Eora" and CEPII's BACI databases. Results from 2SLS method show chinese products as a big threat for african firms. China's penetration into the African market, leads to a significant drop in firms sales and size. Better still, by examining companies according to several characteristics, we see that the small, young and less endowed with physical capital are the most vulnerable. We have also noticed that companies present in countries rich in natural resources are more victims of chinese penetration in their market. Finally, let us point out that african countries are also bearing the brunt of the Chinese shock on the common external markets. However, our results show that the impact is more harmful if this common market is a developed country.

Keywords: China Shock, African firms, Sale, Labor, Input, Output, External Market.

Resource Details (Export Citation) GTAP Keywords
Category: 2021 Conference Paper
Status: Not published
By/In: Presented during the 24th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis (Virtual Conference)
Date: 2021
Created: Hounyonou, Q. (4/14/2021)
Updated: Hounyonou, Q. (6/7/2021)
Visits: 724
- Multilateral trade negotiations
- Trade in textiles and wearing apparel
- Other data bases and data issues
- Not Applicable

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Posted by: Hounyonou, Quentin   5/13/2021 11:27:00 AM
The modification of this paper is still in progress. I will send you other more advanced and improved versions later. Thank you for your understanding.