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GTAP Resource #6265

"A health and food-system analysis of Brexit-related policy approaches"
by Freund, Florian and Marco Springmann

Brexit is expected to have significant impacts on the UK food system, which has implications for dietary risk factors and public health. Here we use an integrated economic-health modelling framework to analyse the impacts of different policy approaches to Brexit. According to our analysis, a “Hard Brexit” could increase diet-related mortality in the UK as costs for health-promoting and import-dependent foods, such as fruits and vegetables, increase and their consumption decreases. Negotiating free-trade agreements with the USA and Commonwealth countries as part of a “Global Britain” approach led to relative increases in food availability, but not of health-promoting foods, resulting in further increases in diet and weight-related mortality. Negotiating a free-trade agreement with the EU addressed both food availability and fruit and vegetable intake, which halved the increases in mortality. Combining this “Soft Brexit” approach with an agricultural subsidy reform that incentivises greater production of fruits and vegetables mitigated the Brexit-related increases in risk factors and led to net improvements in diet-related mortality.

Resource Details (Export Citation) GTAP Keywords
Category: 2021 Conference Paper
Status: Not published
By/In: Presented during the 24th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis (Virtual Conference)
Date: 2021
Created: Freund, F. (4/14/2021)
Updated: Freund, F. (4/14/2021)
Visits: 842
- Health
- European Union

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Posted by: Freund, Florian   9/16/2021 9:50:00 AM
A modified and published version is available:

Freund & Springmann (2021): Policy analysis indicates health-sensitive trade and subsidy reforms are needed in the UK to avoid adverse dietary health impacts post-Brexit, Nature Food, 2, pp. 502-508