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GTAP Resource #6400

"Understanding the Impacts of CGIAR Research on the Global Geographic Distribution of Land Use, Undernutrition and Biodiversity"
by Baldos, Uris Lantz, Alfredo Cisneros-Pineda, Keith Fuglie and Thomas Hertel

This year (2021) marks the 50th Anniversary of the establishment of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR). This collection of international research institutes has had a profound impact on agriculture around the world – but particularly in the developing countries where they are physically located. The CGIAR played a central role in the ‘Green Revolution’ that took place across Asia, Latin America and parts of the Middle East and North Africa with the introduction of improved varieties of rice, wheat, maize and other crops. This paper is part of a set of papers designed to evaluate the impacts of the CGIAR’s research contributions to crop productivity since 1961. Towards this end, we employ the estimated productivity gains, attributed to these new crop varieties, by Fuglie and Echeverria. These are incorporated into the SIMPLE-G gridded model of global agricultural production in order to estimate the consequences for food production and prices, cropland extent and biodiversity at a fine scale (5-arc minutes), globally. To accomplish this, we first run the SIMPLE-G model backwards in time from its current benchmark in 2017 to 1961. We then adopt the 1961 benchmark as a starting point for our analysis in which we run the model forward in 5-year increments under two scenarios: baseline (historical) and counterfactual (absent the CGIAR crop productivity gains). The difference in key variables between these two paths (baseline - counterfactual) is attributable to the CGIAR system. We find that the innovations provided by this novel institution served to increase global crop yields and production, reduce cropland requirements, enhance biodiversity and lower food prices, thereby accelerating the reduction in undernutrition observed over the 1961-2017 period.

Resource Details (Export Citation) GTAP Keywords
Category: 2021 Conference Paper
Status: Not published
By/In: Presented during the 24th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis (Virtual Conference)
Date: 2021
Version: 0.0
Created: Hertel, T. (4/15/2021)
Updated: Hertel, T. (4/15/2021)
Visits: 1,586
- Land use
- Economic development
- Technological change
- Not Applicable

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