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GTAP Resource #6532

"Disaggregating air, land and maritime transport sectors in the GTAP database"
by Norman-Lopez, Ana, Krzysztof Wojtowicz, Rafael Garaffa and Marie Tamba

In the Global Trade Analysis Project (GTAP) data base (Aguiar et al., 2019), transport sectors (air, land and maritime) are too aggregated for modelling transport policies for specific modes (aviation/rail/road) and operations (passenger/freight). This limitation is already recognised in the literature, with a number of studies focusing on data quality and transport analysis (e.g., Karkatsoulis et al., 2017, Nuno-Ledesma and Villoria, 2019, Robson et al., 2018). This study splits the air and maritime sectors into two sectors each (air passenger, air freight, water passenger, water freight) and the land transport sectors into four new sectors (road passenger, road freight, rail passenger and rail freight). Our contribution to the literature is an open discussion of the data available paying particular attention to GTAP’s structure, and a step by step procedure on how to split the transport sectors and the data we use. Finally, this paper will discuss baseline projections of the disaggregated transport components. Our methodology to split GTAP database is a simple RAS method, which is used twice (separately for each aggregated sector and each region): first to disaggregate the cost structure of a sector and then to disaggregate its use (sales). We run RAS starting with an already aggregated GTAP database (35 sectors and 49 regions), but the method can be applied to any other dimensions.

Resource Details (Export Citation) GTAP Keywords
Category: 2022 Conference Paper
Status: Not published
By/In: Presented during the 25th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis (Virtual Conference)
Date: 2022
Version: draft paper
Created: Norman-Lopez, A. (4/13/2022)
Updated: Norman-Lopez, A. (5/30/2022)
Visits: 761
- GTAP Data Base and extensions
- Other data bases and data issues
- Transportation
- European Union

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