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GTAP Resource #6534

"Impacts of Trade Facilitation and Logistics Performance on Trade Flows: The Case of Landlocked African OIC Countries (Burkina Faso, Chad, Mali, Niger and Uganda)"
by Bagci, Kenan, Esat Bakimli and Abdouramane Diallo

This study investigates the impacts of alternative trade facilitation measures on trade flows with a special focus on five landlocked African OIC countries, namely Burkina Faso, Chad, Mali, Niger and Uganda. By employing a diverse set of data and methodology, it is found that there are significant gains from trade facilitation and improved logistics infrastructure. This benefit is significantly higher in the case of African countries. While infrastructure investments in logistics generate the largest gains, landlocked countries can attain additional gains from efficiency improvements in trade facilitation measures. Nevertheless, the aggregate impact of logistics performance remains significantly higher than the impacts of soft trade facilitation measures in both landlocked and coastal countries. This study also presents the potential gains for the five landlocked African OIC countries in case of a simulated improvement in their trade facilitation performance.

Resource Details (Export Citation) GTAP Keywords
Category: 2022 Conference Paper
Status: Not published
By/In: Presented during the 25th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis (Virtual Conference)
Date: 2022
Created: Bakimli, E. (4/13/2022)
Updated: Bakimli, E. (6/8/2022)
Visits: 614
- Economic development
- Infrastructure
- Economic geography
- Multilateral trade negotiations
- Non-Tariff barriers
- Africa (Central)
- Africa (East)
- Africa (North)
- Africa (Southern)
- Africa (West)

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