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GTAP Resource #6584

"Synergies and trade-offs between climate and circular economy policies in the steel industry"
by Calzadilla, Alvaro, Matthew Winning and Teresa Domenech

A pathway towards 1.5°C requires substantial economic, societal and technological transformations (IPCC 2018). All sectors require deep and immediate emissions reductions. Heavy industry (steel, cement and chemicals) and heavy-duty transport (trucking, shipping and aviation) are responsible for around one-third of global CO2 emissions (ETC 2018). However, reducing emissions in these hard-to-abate sectors requires policy makers to support the development and diffusion of carbon-neutral technologies and align decarbonisation strategies to global and regional sustainable development pathways. We use an updated version of the ENGAGE-Materials model to assess different strategies and technology options in the iron and steel sector to achieve decarbonisation and a sustainable use of resources. Our results show that an enhanced circularity and the availability of new low-carbon technologies in the steel sector help reduce the costs of decarbonisation. Furthermore, the introduction of a global carbon price that limits fossil fuel use and the associated greenhouse gas emissions motivates the steel industry to move towards a more circular use of steel.

Resource Details (Export Citation) GTAP Keywords
Category: 2022 Conference Paper
Status: Not published
By/In: Presented during the 25th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis (Virtual Conference)
Date: 2022
Created: Calzadilla, A. (4/14/2022)
Updated: Calzadilla, A. (6/9/2022)
Visits: 523
- Model extension/development
- Climate change policy
- Resources and circular economy
- Not Applicable

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