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GTAP Resource #6620

"Trade Liberalisation & Carbon Leakage: The case of the United Kingdom’s Economy"
by Milot, Catherine

This paper examines the effect of UK trade liberalization on carbon leakage. We present quantitative estimates of carbon leakage under the cumulative effect of UK FTAs. We find that the implementation of these import tariff reductions increases the overall rate of leakage, corroborating findings from previous studies on carbon leakage from freer trade. Analysis of the trade-induced carbon leakage shows large differences between leakage caused by reductions of import tariffs on energy goods and by reductions of import tariffs on non-energy goods. It also shows large differences in emission responses among country regions. We then assess the implementation of a UK Carbon border adjustment to mitigate carbon leakage from freer trade, we find that a sectorally limited carbon border adjustment would reduce carbon leakage by about two third compared to a system of free allocation. The incidence of carbon leakage is derived both from the energy price effect (indirect leakage) and the competitiveness channel (direct leakage).

Resource Details (Export Citation) GTAP Keywords
Category: GTAP Application
Status: Not published
Date: 2022
Created: Milot, C. (4/15/2022)
Updated: Batta, G. (5/18/2022)
Visits: 586
- Climate change policy
- Trade and the environment

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