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GTAP Resource #6801

"Export Sophistication Effects of Trade Facilitation Reform in Sub-Saharan Africa"
by Takpara, Moukaila Mouzamilou, Constant Fouopi Djiogap, Manfred Kouty and Bouraima Sawadogo

This paper estimates the effects of trade facilitation reform on export sophistication, measured by the Economic Complexity Index (ECI) in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) over the period 2004-2017. It uses four indicators of trade facilitation capturing physical infrastructure, ICT, business, and regulatory environment as well as border, and transport efficiency. The empirical analysis using ordinary least square, two-stage least square and system generalized method of moment shows that effective trade facilitation reform targeted particularly at improving information and communication technology as well as border, and transport efficiency contributes to promoting the export of sophisticated goods in SSA. These findings suggest that reforms aimed at simplifying border procedures should be implemented and accelerated in SSA countries. Hence, the acceleration of the implementation of the World Trade Organization Trade Facilitation Agreement will be an essential step toward achieving this goal.

Resource Details (Export Citation) GTAP Keywords
Category: Other CGE Application
Status: Not published
Date: 2023
Created: Takpara, M. (3/1/2023)
Updated: Batta, G. (6/10/2023)
Visits: 423
- Economic development
- Foreign direct investment
- Infrastructure
- New quantitative trade models
- Non-Tariff barriers

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