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GTAP Resource #6823

"The Future of GEMPACK"
by Schiffmann, Florian

The development of the GEMPACK software started in the early 80’s. In its current form it is a versatile tool enabling CGE modelers around the world to implement and solve their models easily. Over the past decade, major improvements to the solution time of models have been made by reworking the self-contained math backend. However, hardly any new features that would require touching the core programming of GEMPACK have been implemented and in addition the time between releases keeps increasing. The reason for this is that it is becoming increasingly difficult to maintain and extend the old codebase. This phenomenon is known as ‘software brittleness’, where minor changes can break the software in unexpected ways. Therefore it was decided in early 2022 to perform a complete reimplementation of the current backend (tablo, gemsim, TG-program) in c++.

Resource Details (Export Citation) GTAP Keywords
Category: 2023 Conference Paper
Status: Published
By/In: Presented during the 26th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis (Bordeaux, France)
Date: 2023
Created: Schiffmann, F. (4/5/2023)
Updated: Schiffmann, F. (4/5/2023)
Visits: 581
- Software and modeling tools

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