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GTAP Resource #6830

"Economic impact of producing activated carbon from Sargassum and coconut to treat chlordecone-polluted land: a dynamic CGE model application"
by Mathouraparsad, Sébastien, Yeray Alvarez, Christelle Yacou, Sarra Gaspard and Bernard Decaluwe

This study develops a regional computable general equilibrium model to assess the impacts on the regional economy of decontaminating land polluted by chlordecone using activated carbon produced from biomass. Two types of biomass are used, which are themselves polluting waste: Sargassum seaweed and coconut shells. We produced activated carbon from both sources in the laboratory, which allowed us to develop the structure and production costs of the activated carbon. This new activity was then introduced into the social accounting matrix that describes the structure of the Guadeloupean economy. We then used a CGE (Computable General Equilibrium) model to evaluate the economic effects of decontaminating land for agriculture. In the first scenario, we found that an increase in the production and use of activated carbon allows for the decontamination of the land and has a positive effect on the entire Guadeloupean economy. Furthermore, the variability of the Sargassum stock, whose disposition is random, can be corrected by compensating for the decrease in Sargassum by using more coconut shells. In the second scenario, the introduction of a subsidy to encourage the purchase of activated carbon for land decontamination stimulates the production of activated carbon, which in turn uses more Sargassum seaweed to produce activated carbon. The combined effect of this measure has positive impacts on GDP and employment.

Resource Details (Export Citation) GTAP Keywords
Category: 2023 Conference Paper
Status: Not published
By/In: Presented during the 26th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis (Bordeaux, France)
Date: 2022
Created: Decaluwe, B. (4/9/2023)
Updated: Batta, G. (4/24/2023)
Visits: 507
- Land use
- Agricultural policies
- Economic development
- Health
- Caribbean

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