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GTAP Resource #6947

"On some challenges in the analysis of gender issues: CGE and econometric perspectives for policy analysis"
by Lorenzo Escot, Maria C. Latorre and José Andrés Fernandez-Cornejo

We analyse some of the existing challenges in modeling gender issues from an econometric and CGE perspective. The econometric approach discusses the main techniques identified in the literature to explain the analysis of gender gaps and gathers reflections on the success of several gender policies to achieve greater equality.
The Implicit Association Test developed by Banaji & Greenwald (2016) analyses the existence of implicit gender stereotypes. On the other hand, programs’ evaluations or outcomes comparations can be performed by using observational data or by using simulation data in a general equilibrium approach. Different econometric techniques try to correct possible biases in social experiments and quasi-experiments, such as, Propensity Score Matching, Difference-in-Differences, Instrumental Variables regressions, regression discontinuity Design or Factorial Survey Experiments.
From a general equilibrium perspective, it can be shown that focusing merely on the analysis of pure gender difference may be misleading in analyzing whether females and males benefit or not from these policies. For example, a growing number of firms of domestic and foreign firms in business services sectors in an African economy increases the demand for and the remunerations of all labor categories. However, the rise in remunerations is higher for males than for females. This means that males benefit more, even though women do also benefit. However, there is also a worsening (i.e., an increase) in the gender gap. This is because business services, which are the sectors that expand the most, exhibit higher male than female worker intensity. Males gain relatively more due to the fact that they are employed more intensively in these expanding business services sectors. Even though female remunerations’ increases tend to be of smaller magnitude than those of males, both types of workers are better off.

Resource Details (Export Citation) GTAP Keywords
Category: 2023 Conference Paper
Status: Not published
By/In: Presented during the 26th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis (Bordeaux, France)
Date: 2023
Created: Latorre, M. (4/14/2023)
Updated: Latorre, M. (4/14/2023)
Visits: 421
- Domestic policy analysis
- Foreign direct investment
- Labor market issues
- Non-Tariff barriers
- Trade and gender
- Trade in services
- Econometric methods

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