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GTAP Resource #6982

"Are Long-term National Goals on Climate Change Mitigation and Economic Development Compatible? Evidence and Modelling on Several Case Studies"
by Meilland, Auriane and Franck Lecocq

Although the interrelations between development and climate change mitigation have long been recognized, in practice the climate issue is still treated independently of the countries' other development priorities. Yet, development strategies, put forward by countries in their national development documents, are decisive for greenhouse gases emissions and their reduction possibilities. At the national scale, climate and development goals are usually produced in separate documents, sometimes issued by separate institutions or ministries, within separate timelines. For the most part, there is little proof that the compatibility of long-term development targets with climate mitigation targets is checked or discussed when elaborating both. How do countries articulate their development strategies with their short and medium term climate commitments? This modelling work aims at informing this question, by providing elements on the compatibility between climate and development targets in case studies on Malawi, Iraq, Bolivia and Ireland – countries that represent a diversity of development orientations and display quantified long-term development targets. We first discuss the compatibility between the development targets featured in the national development plans (such as the shares of each sector in the GDP and their associated values), and the business-as-usual trajectory in the climate commitments, in terms of energy demand. We then use a stylized KLEM model to reveal assumptions (e.g. on the growth rate of labor and capital productivity, or growth rate of energy efficiency) underlying the simultaneous achievement of both climate and economic development targets. Preliminary results show that the assumptions that are necessary to reach both the development and climate targets are more or less realistic depending on the countries, and reveal different tensions depending on the global development orientation targeted by the country (industrialization, food security, etc).

Resource Details (Export Citation) GTAP Keywords
Category: 2023 Conference Paper
Status: Not published
By/In: Presented during the 26th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis (Bordeaux, France)
Date: 2023
Version: 0
Created: Meilland, A. (4/15/2023)
Updated: Meilland, A. (4/15/2023)
Visits: 265
- Calibration and parameter estimation
- Dynamic modeling
- Climate change policy
- Economic development

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