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GTAP Resource #7159

"Sustainability and Agriculture Subsidies Negotiations: Navigating the Cross-Roads"
by Sharma, Sachin Kumar, Paavni Mathur, Lakshmi Swathi Ganti, Alisha Goswami and Ahmad Ashiq Shajahan

Agriculture subsidies are estimated to increase by US$ 2 trillion in 2030 and many countries are critical of policies such as market price support and input subsidies due to their adverse impacts on the environment such as climate change and biodiversity loss among others. Recently, in addition to trade distortion, the environmental impact criterion is playing a crucial role in disciplining agriculture subsidies at the WTO. Many members and international organisations have called for a substantial reduction in the subsidy entitlement of individual members to address the adverse impact of high levels of agricultural subsidies on the environment and international trade. The reduction is proposed to be proportionate to the size of the members’ current and future trade distorting entitlements. The paper examines whether the proposed methodology to discipline agriculture subsidies promotes agriculture sustainability from the perspective of social, economic and environmental concerns. The results suggest that the proposals based on proportionate methodology undermine not only social and economic sustainability but also leave the existing imbalances in the AoA unaddressed, disregard special and differential treatment for developing countries, and moreover, negate the decade-long efforts made by developing members in finding a permanent solution for public stockholding for food security.

Resource Details (Export Citation) GTAP Keywords
Category: Other CGE Application
Status: Not published
Date: 2023
Created: Sharma, S. (4/8/2024)
Updated: Batta, G. (4/22/2024)
Visits: 93
- Climate change policy
- Environmental policies
- Sustainable development
- Trade and the environment
- Agricultural policies
- Domestic policy analysis
- Food prices and food security
- Multilateral trade negotiations
- Public procurement
- Global

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