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GTAP Resource #7289

"Supply chain implications of energy investments to reach a 1.5 °C target"
by Garaffa, Rafael, Matthias Weitzel, Camille Van Der Vorst, Jose Antonio Ordonez, Ana Norman-Lopez and Umed Temursho

Investment can promote economic growth by increasing the capital stock and the productive capacity of the economy and, therefore, its aggregate income. Investments in renewables have been exponentially growing over the last years, anticipating an upcoming shift in the energy mix (IEA, 2023) and avoiding the lock-in on emissions-intensive technologies (Bertram et al., 2021). Policy support, technological development and shifting investor preferences appear to align with a strengthened ambition to deploy new technologies and effectively reduce emissions, while promoting economic activity (Keramidas et al., 2023). Here we examine the effects of the additional energy investments to the economy under a 1.5 °C cost-efficient global temperature stabilization scenario. We use an updated investment matrix to capture in more detail the link between investing sectors and the sectors supplying the purchased investment goods (Norman-López et al., 2023). We pay particular attention to the effects arising from investments in power generation technologies. We use the aggregate sectors of a macroeconomic computable general equilibrium (CGE) model, the JRC-GEM-E3 (Capros et al., 2013), to assess the effects of global energy investments throughout the supply chains over the next decade. Our analysis takes a macroeconomic perspective, with a specific focus on the associated supply chain effects in capital and labour, including the impacts on both direct and indirect employment.

Resource Details (Export Citation) GTAP Keywords
Category: 2024 Conference Paper
Status: Not published
By/In: Presented during the 27th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis (Fort Collins, Colorado, USA)
Date: 2024
Version: 2
Created: Garaffa, R. (4/15/2024)
Updated: Garaffa, R. (4/15/2024)
Visits: 364
- Climate change policy
- Environmental policies
- GTAP Data Base and extensions
- Labor market issues
- Baseline development
- Dynamic modeling
- Model integration and coupling
- Partial and general equilibrium models
- Global

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