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GTAP Resource #7296

"Agrifood Sector Growth, Poverty, and Diet Quality in Low-Income Countries"
by Escalante, Luis and Karl Pauw

This study investigates the impact of productivity growth in the agrifood sector on poverty alleviation, dietary quality, and affordability across five low-income Sub-Saharan African countries. Using computable general equilibrium models, specifically IFPRI's RIAPA models, it assesses how productivity growth in primary agriculture, agro-processing, and food services influences household welfare and dietary outcomes. By linking these models with survey-based microsimulations, the study examines the distributive effects of productivity increases in agricultural value chains, shedding light on their effectiveness in poverty alleviation and diet improvement. The results show that while non-agricultural productivity growth is essential for reducing poverty and hunger, primary agriculture remains critical for enhancing diet quality and reducing the costs of a healthy diet. Subsector analysis indicates that no single value chain is most effective across all outcomes. Staples excel in poverty and hunger reduction, while horticulture and animal-source foods improve diet quality and lower costs.

Resource Details (Export Citation) GTAP Keywords
Category: 2024 Conference Paper
Status: Not published
By/In: Presented during the 27th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis (Fort Collins, Colorado, USA)
Date: 2024
Created: Escalante, L. (4/15/2024)
Updated: Escalante, L. (4/17/2024)
Visits: 128
- Advances in quantitative methods
- Agricultural policies
- Economic analysis of poverty
- Africa (East)
- Africa (Southern)
- Africa (West)

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