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GTAP Resource #7371

"Contact-intensity, Disruptions in the Cultural Sector and Wage Inequality A Model of Covid-19 crisis and its impact."
by Marjit, S and Gouranga Das

COVID-19 has adverse impacts on contact-intensive sectors, viz., manufacturing, tourism, and the entertainment sector (ES). In a general equilibrium (GE) model with online, entertainment and informal sectors employing skill, unskilled, and capital, we show that COVID-19 could cause polarization pushing contact-intensive entertainment industry on the brink of collapse while the other two survive. Dual roles of factor intensity and contact intensity (CI) contribute to such finite changes, triggering inter-skill wage inequality. This is the first of its kind to offer a theoretical mechanism capturing the contractionary effects on contact-intensive sectors and wage inequality. These results
match with the literature emphasizing the hardships faced by the cultural sector.

Keywords: Wage-gap; COVID-19; contact-intensive; cultural sector; general equilibrium; quasispecific; social-distancing.

Resource Details (Export Citation) GTAP Keywords
Category: Other CGE Application
Status: Published
By/In: Singapore Economic Review.
Date: 2024
Created: Das, G. (7/31/2024)
Updated: Das, G. (7/31/2024)
Visits: 157
- Sustainable development
- Domestic policy analysis
- Demographics
- Economic crisis
- Labor market issues
- Partial and general equilibrium models

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