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GTAP Resource #803

"The Agenda 2000 CAP reform, world prices and GATT-WTO export constraints"
by van Meijl, Hans and Frank van Tongeren

This paper examines the compatibility of the Agenda 2000 reform of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) of the European Union (EU) with the EU's commitments to reduce export subsidies made under the GATT Uruguay Round Agreement on Agriculture. A multi-region applied general equilibrium model, that includes relevant CAP measures, is used to obtain a quantitative assessment and to analyse the effects of alternative world market price changes on the fulfilment of these commitments. We show that Agenda 2000 helps the EU to remain within its export subsidy commitments, but to a lesser extent within its export volume constraints. Furthermore, conclusions with regard to export subsidies depend on the world market situation. A forward-looking analysis that anticipates the WTO Millennium Round indicates that further adjustments to the CAP are inevitable.

Resource Details (Export Citation) GTAP Keywords
Category: GTAP Application
Status: Published
By/In: European Review of Agricultural Economics, Vol 29 (4) (2002) pp. 445-470.
Date: 2002
Created: (8/8/2001)
Updated: van Meijl, H. (1/23/2003)
Visits: 2,853
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This paper is one chapter in: Frank van Tongeren and Hans van Meijl, (2001), European policy issues in a global trade analysis framework, Agricultural Economics Research Institute, Report 6.01.06

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