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Member Details
Corina Haita

Created: 1/3/2011
Updated: 6/14/2011
Visits: 1,076
Ms. Corina Haita
PhD student

Central European University
Nador utca, 9
Budapest 1051
+36702314533 (ph)

Corina Haita holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Economic Analyses from the Academy of Economic Studies in Bucharest and a Master of Arts degree in Economics from the Central European University in Budapest. She is a PhD candidate in the Department of Economics at the Central European University. Apart from her research activity she has been a teaching assistant for Microeconomics and Mathematics courses for the 1st year master students at the departments of Economics and Public Policy. Her main research interests are: microeconomics, industrial organisation, behavioral and experimental economics, environmental economics and applied auction theory. Her current research topics include emissions trading schemes and firm compliance behavior in cap-and-trade systems for emissions reduction.

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