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Member Details
John Beghin

Created: 11/28/2001
Updated: 4/19/2009
Visits: 2,821
Mr. John Beghin

Iowa State University
275 Heady Hall
Ames, IA 50011-1070
United States
515 294 5811 (ph)
515 294 0221 (fx)

John Beghin has been an ISU faculty member in the Economics Department since 1998. He holds one of the two Marlin Cole Chairs in international agricultural economics. Before joining ISU, he spent 10 years at North Carolina State University. He has consulted for the World Bank, the OECD, the USGAO, the US Army Corps of Engineers and other agencies and private clients. He was co-editor of the Review of Agricultural Economics and its successor Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy.

Beghin's research interests include agricultural trade policy analysis, the interface between trade growth and the environment and nontariff measures (NTMs). He received a Ph.D. in agricultural and resource economics from the University of California at Berkeley. He is married to Yalem Teshome; they have a daughter, Carla.

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