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Rob Wilson

Created: 1/15/2015
Updated: 1/19/2015
Visits: 877
Dr. Rob Wilson

University of Warwick
Institute for Employment Research
Room B0.32
Coventry CV4 7AL
United Kingdom
02476 523530 (ph)
02476 524241 (fx)

Curriculum Vitae - Rob Wilson

Rob Wilson is a Professorial Fellow (and previously Deputy Director and Acting Director) of the Institute for Employment Research at Warwick University in the UK. He is an economist specialising in national economic and labour market assessment and forecasting. His research is focused on the drivers of changes in the patterns of demand for and the supply of skills at national and international levels. He has also researched and written on a much larger range of employment, skills and related issues, including links between technological change and the demand for skills, and the relationship between pay and qualifications.

He has played a leading role in developing quantitative approaches to anticipating changing skills needs at a national and international level. He has led the Institute’s work in this area since 1981, including the well-established Working Futures series of employment projections in the UK, which is currently in its fourth phase. Over the past 5 years his experience of national level labour market assessment and forecasting has been extended through a series of projects to develop Pan European labour market and skills forecasts, supported by Cedefop.

Rob is currently leading a 2nd 4 year programme of work funded by CEDEFOP, which includes supply side as well as demand elements. For the first time, this research has produced a consistent and comprehensive assessment of prospects for the demand for and supply of skills for the whole of Europe.

He has acted as an advisor methods on for anticipating changing skill needs for the European Commission, South Africa, the Czech Republic and various others. Other key research activities in the area of skills needs assessment have included joint authorship of the UK Learning and Skills Council’s Skills in England publications, and more recently the UK Commission for Employment and Skills (UKCES) Employment and Skills Almanac.

He has written extensively on these and related topics, including books on Employment Forecasting in the Construction Industry; The National Health Service and the Labour Market; Technical Change: The Role of Scientists and Engineers; and Research and Development Statistics. He has published over 100 journal articles and book chapters, over 100 substantial reports, monographs and miscellaneous articles, and presented papers at conferences and workshops in over a dozen different countries.

Rob has undertaken research on labour market and related issues for a large range of sponsors, including all the major UK Departments of State. Other clients include: the Office of Fair Trading; the Advisory Council on Science and Technology; the Cabinet Office; the National Economic Development Office; the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development; the Statistical Office of the European Communities; Cedefop; and the Commission of the European Communities.

He has undertaken work on skills and related matters, including econometric analysis and model building, for many different sectors (including Construction, Engineering, Sea transport, Health and many more, including many projects for the Sector Skills Councils and the Skills for Business network. Since 2001, he has led bids and won project funding and awards valued at around £½ a million per annum.

Rob was a member of the UK Migration Advisory Committee advising on skill shortages in the UK and the use of migrant labour to address them. He has also served on various other Advisory Boards including the UKCES’s Expert panel and is currently a member of the UK Department for Business, Innovation and Skills Academic panel on skills strategy.

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