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Member Details
Thomas Hutcheson

Created: 10/10/2005
Updated: 9/2/2008
Visits: 2,329
Mr. Thomas Hutcheson
Trade and Agriculture Economist

Self Employed
3730 Veazey St
Washington, DC 20016
United States
+1-202-363-4476 (ph)

Thomas L. Hutcheson
E-Mail Address:
Telephone +1-202-363-4476
3730 Veazey St.
Washington DC 20016

Nathan Associates, Pakistan
Agriculture and Food Policy Study, Aug/Sept 2007

Millennim Challenge Corporation
Director, Technical Analysis, Burkina Faso Agricultureal Developmet Project

Nathan Associates, Egypt
Macroeconomist, 2004-06

USAID, Indonesia
Sr. Economic Policy Advisor, 2003-04

International Fertilizer Development Council
Agrivultural Inpusts and Marketing Study, July 2000

World Bank:
Sr. Economist, West Africa Macroeconomics, 1997- 2000

Trade & Financial Economist - Pakistan Country Operations/Trade and Finance Division, 1991-94

Economist - Policy Review Department, 1988-91

Financial Economist - Financial Sector Development, 1986-88

Mexico Country Economist, 1972-75

Previous Non-World Bank Experience
Harvard Institute for International Development 1983-86
Advisor to Ministry of Planning in Dhaka Bangladesh on the "Trade and Industry Policy (TIP) Reform Program."
Harvard Development Advisory Service, 1969-71

Advisor to Planeación Nacional in Bogota, Colombia.

1989 George Mason University: International Trade.

1987 American University: Development Banking in the MA program.

1983 American University: Project Analysis in the MA program.

1970 Universidad Externado, Bogota, Colombia: Macroeconomics (Spanish).

1964-1966 US Peace Corps Volunteer. Teacher and Administrator in the National Community Development Program, Bolivia.

1961-1962 Committee Clerk, Texas House of Representatives

1960 Documents Clerk, U. S. House of Representatives

Special Interests
My education (BS in economics, Phi Beta Kappa, U. Texas 1964 and Ph.D., U Michigan 1972) is in trade and international finance and I have 34 years of experience in conducting dialogue on a wide variety of economic policy issues with government officials on four continents. I possess excellent communications skills, both writing and public speaking (using notes, text, or Power Point) to relate successfully with people outside and inside government, including the media. I speak Spanish fluently, and some Bahasa Indonesia and Arabic. Teaching at the university level demonstrates communications skills as well. My professional competence and analytic skills, honed in numerous countries including residence in 6, has been recognized by my inclusion in the most recent Who’s Who in Economics. I have shown the necessary administrative and leadership ability to get things done in different political and social environments. I work easily in a team and, as a leader, I inspire trust across grade levels, gender, nationality, and areas of professional expertise. I have an excellent sense of humor that is very effective both as a communications tool and a conflict management device.

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