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Philippa Dee

Created: 9/20/2000
Updated: 5/16/2011
Visits: 5,528
Dr. Philippa Dee
Visiting Fellow

Australian National University
Crawford School, Crawford Building
Australian National University
Canberra, ACT 0200
61 2 6125 8598 (ph)
61 2 6125 0767 (fx)

Philippa Dee is currently a Visiting Fellow at the Australian National University. She is working almost exclusively on the issues of barriers to international trade in services - measurement and policy issues. In this capacity she has undertaken work for the World Bank, the OECD, the InterAmerican Development Bank and the COMESA Secretariat, among others.

In her previous position as Assistant Commissioner at the Productivity Commission, she worked on a range of economic policy issues, evaluating Australia's policies on research and development, greenhouse gas emissions, telecommunications and competition, for example, and examining the effects of multilateral trade liberalisation. She was instrumental in contributing some of the earliest (and perhaps most notorious) input-output tables for GTAP. She also examined the trade and investment effects of preferential trading arrangements.

She contributed to two major collaborative research projects between the Productivity Commission and the Australian National University, the first quantifying barriers to services trade and their effects, and the second examining the effects of domestic regulatory regimes on services trade.

She was previously a Senior Research Fellow at Australian National University and a research economist at the Kiel Institute of World Economics. She was educated in Canada (Simon Fraser University) and New Zealand.

Selected publications
East Asian Economic Integration and its Impact on Future Growth, Pacific Economic Papers No. 350, 2005 (forthcoming in World Economy).

A Compendium of Barriers to Trade in Services, prepared for the World Bank, November 2005, available at the above website.

The trade and investment effects of preferential trading arrangements (with J. Gali), in Ito, T. and Rose, A. (eds), International Trade in East Asia, NBER-East Asia Seminar on Economics, Volume 14, 2005, pp. 133-170.

Quantitative methods for assessing the effects of non-tariff measures and trade facilitation (with M. Ferrantino), APEC Secretariat and World Scientific Publishing, Singapore, 2005.

Modelling the policy issues in services trade, Économie Internationale (94 95), 2003, pp. 283–300.

Measuring the cost of barriers to trade in services (with K. Hanslow and T. Phamduc), in Ito, T. and Krueger, A. (eds), Services Trade in the Asia-Pacific Region, NBER-East Asia Seminar on Economics, Volume 11, University of Chicago Press, 2003.

Domestic regulatory reform and liberalisation of trade in infrastructure services (with D. Nguyen-Hong), in Sidorenko, A. and Findlay, C. (eds), Regulation and Market Access, Asia Pacific Press, Canberra, 2003, pp. 78–105.

Multisectoral liberalisation of services trade with K. Hanslow), in R. Stern (ed.), Services in the International Economy, University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor, pp. 117-39, 2001.

Issues in the application of CGE models to services trade liberalisation (with A. Hardin and L. Holmes), in C. Findlay and T. Warren (eds), Impediments to Trade in Services: Measurement and Policy Implications, Routledge, London, pp. 267-86, 2000.

APEC early voluntary sectoral liberalisation with A. Hardin and M. Schuele), Productivity Commission Staff Information Paper, July 1998.

The comprehensiveness of APEC's free trade commitment, in US International Trade Commission, The economic implications of liberalising APEC tariff and nontariff barriers to trade, Publication 3101, Washington DC, April 1998.

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