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GTAP Resource #1778

"Implications of Domestic Support Disciplines for Further Agricultural Trade Liberalisation"
by Walsh, Keith, Martina Brockmeier and Alan Matthews

This paper employs the GTAP computable general equilibrium model and dataset to analyse the implications of domestic support reductions in the context of agricultural trade liberalisation. Three specific issues are addressed: overhang in domestic support, the accurate distinction of the boxes in the GTAP dataset and the treatment of market price support in the amber box. An extensive domestic support database is used to calculate the change in applied domestic support rates from a specified cut in bound rates, and to identify the impact on the different domestic support boxes and the required reductions in each support category. The GTAP model is extended to incorporate an explicit representation of the market price support element of the AMS. The results from these extensions of the standard database and model support the view that the impact of an agreement to reduce domestic support will be limited and lower than conventionally estimated. Results of simulations combining domestic support cuts with market access and export competition disciplines show that the effect of import tariff reductions dominate the gains from domestic support cuts once full account is taken of the issues addressed in this paper.

Keywords: WTO agricultural negotiations, domestic support, agricultural protection, Aggregate Measure of Support

JEL Classification: C68, F13, Q17, Q18.

Resource Details (Export Citation) GTAP Keywords
Category: 2005 Conference Paper
Status: Published
By/In: Published in Journal of International Agricultural Trade and Development, Volume 3(2). Presented at the 8th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, Lübeck, Germany, 2005
Date: 2007
Created: Walsh, K. (5/4/2005)
Updated: Walsh, K. (8/27/2007)
Visits: 2,781
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