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GTAP Resource #2765

"Miles and more: A quantitative assessment of the ‘food miles’ movement"
by Ballingall, John and Niven Winchester

One aspect of the climate change discussion that has attracted a great deal of media attention, particularly in Europe, is ‘food miles’. The concept that the further food has to travel, the worse its impact on the environment is one that – although flawed – is easy for consumers to grasp and for domestic import-competing food producers to support. We investigate the economic implications of food-miles induced preference changes using an economy-wide analysis. We find that welfare losses relative to GDP are largest in New Zealand and several Sub-Saharan African nations. Moreover, for some distance-preference change relationships proportional welfare costs are significantly larger in parts of Sub-Saharan Africa than elsewhere.

Resource Details (Export Citation) GTAP Keywords
Category: 2008 Conference Paper
Status: Published
By/In: Presented at the 11th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, Helsinki, Finland
Date: 2008
Created: Ballingall, J. (4/15/2008)
Updated: Ballingall, J. (7/10/2008)
Visits: 2,511
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