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GTAP Resource #300

"Entropy Theory and RAS are Friends"
by McDougall, Robert

May 1999

Presented at the Second Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis

Recent research in applications of entropy theory to matrix balancing problems in eco-nomics
has put powerful new tools in the hands of data base developers, but overshadowed some previous findings. We recall earlier findings that the RAS is an entropy-theoretic model. Investigating the properties of a more recently proposed entropy-theoretic model, we find that in general the RAS remains preferable. We show further that the RAS can be obtained also as a generalised cross-entropy model. Finally, we present examples illus-trating how entropy-theoretic techniques can extend the RAS to handle a wider range of problems.

Resource Details (Export Citation) GTAP Keywords
Category: Working Paper
Status: Not published
By/In: GTAP Working Paper No. 06
Date: 1999
Created: Bacou, M. (9/27/2000)
Updated: Bacou, M. (4/25/2001)
Visits: 34,672
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