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GTAP Resource #3797

"How to model a child in school? - A dynamic macro-simulation study for Tanzania"
by Schuerenberg-Frosch, Hannah

“A sustainable end to world poverty as we know it, [..] require[s] that citizens are empowered to make positive choices and provide for themselves and their families.”
(United Nations Millennium Declaration )

Universal primary education ranges prominently among the Millennium Development
Goals and is thus regarded as an important component of human development. In addition, education is widely believed to allow a country to access a higher steady state growth path by accumulating human capital. Consequently, education is one of the key pillars in the development strategies of all African countries and is also one of the main areas in which development aid is given on a large scale.

Empirical cross-country evidence, such as Barro [1997] and Barro & Sala-i-Martin
[2003], confirms that human capital measured by years of schooling has a positive influence on growth due to increased productivity of workers. Schooling does not only have direct positive effects on human development like lower child mortality
and better health status. It also provides the population with the skills required for
democratic participation and a strong civil society.

Schultz [1999] highlights the differences between primary and higher education
in terms of social costs and distributional impact and concludes that Africa might have put too much weight on higher education. This is also in line with findings that primary education in general produces the highest social rate of return [See also Dreher et al.,2008]. An additional argument is that female primary education has a positive influence on child nutrition and childrens health status and thus indirect positive effects on labor productivity. In addition, distributional aspects should be considered as reducing poverty is among the main objectives of aid policy. Gupta et al. [1999] and Gupta & Verhoeven [2001] add that the efficiency of public investment and public spending is important for the success of large scale invest...

Resource Details (Export Citation) GTAP Keywords
Category: 2012 Conference Paper
Status: Published
By/In: Presented at the 15th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, Geneva, Switzerland
Date: 2011
Created: Schuerenberg-Frosch, H. (4/20/2012)
Updated: Schuerenberg-Frosch, H. (4/20/2012)
Visits: 1,577
- Economic growth
- Economic development
- Labor market issues
- Africa (Southern)

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