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GTAP Resource #4832

"Chapter 7.V: Turkey"
by Acar, Mustafa and Levent Aydin

The source table for Turkey’s Input-Output (I-O) table is “The Input-Output Structure of the Turkish Economy 2002,” published by the Turkish Statistical Institute (TURKSTAT) in March 2008. The 2002 I-O table has a 59x59 dimension presented as commodity by industry. In the original I-O Table, all transactions are reported in billions of Turkish Lira (TL). Several separate matrices are reported in the 2002 I-O tables. These include 1) The Supply Table (in terms of basic and consumers’ prices), 2) The Use Table (consumers’ prices), 3) Trade Margins Table, 4) Transportation Margins Table, 5) Net Tax Matrix, 6) The Use Table (basic prices), 7) Input-Output Table (basic prices), 8) Domestic Input-Output Matrix (basic prices), 9) Import Input-Output Table (basic prices), 10) Coefficient Matrix, 11) Leontief Inverse Coefficients Matrix.

The I-O matrix records total transactions, or the flows of goods and services among industries. The table is organized in such a way that the columns show the values of the inputs absorbed by the industries and payments to primary inputs, whereas the rows show the distribution of products into various industries and final demand categories.

Resource Details (Export Citation) GTAP Keywords
Category: GTAP 9 Data Base Documentation
Status: Published
By/In: Center for Global Trade Analysis
Date: 2015
Created: Douglas, J. (6/2/2015)
Updated: Douglas, J. (6/2/2015)
Visits: 3,605
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