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GTAP Resource #6246

"Understanding U.S. Workers Exposure to Trade by Gender, Education, and Occupation"
by Schreiber, Samantha and Marinos Tsigas

This paper disaggregates the GTAP U.S. labor data into 20 worker types, by gender, education, and broad occupation category, to understand how different workers in the U.S. are exposed to hypothetical changes in tariff rates. First, a methodology is provided to disaggregate the U.S. labor input in GTAP into twenty types. A database of wage bill shares and mean wages by GTAP sector are calculated using 2017 data from the Current Population Survey (CPS) Annual Social and Economic Supplements (ASEC). The wage bill share matrix can be used as a tool to split wage payments in GTAP to each labor type. Second, the paper provides illustrative simulations with both manufacturing and services trade, demonstrating differential impacts on worker types for each of the scenarios considered.

Resource Details (Export Citation) GTAP Keywords
Category: 2021 Conference Paper
Status: Not published
By/In: Presented during the 24th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis (Virtual Conference)
Date: 2021
Created: Schreiber, S. (4/13/2021)
Updated: Schreiber, S. (6/22/2021)
Visits: 1,199
- Demographics
- Labor market issues
- Trade and gender

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