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GTAP Resource #7137

"A Heterodox Approach to Heterogeneous Firms Exploiting Complementarity and Karush-Kuhn-Tucker"
by Markusen, James

The now-conventional approach to heterogeneous firms models a continuum of firm “types” within an industry with productivities following a parametric distribution. Here I take a different approach in which there is a discrete and finite set of firm types, differing in marginal costs across but not within types. There is an upper bound on the number of firms that can enter in each firm type. Formulated as a non-linear complementarity problem, we can solve for the set of active firm types in relation to characteristics of the economy such as size or trade costs. Typical limiting assumptions of the existing approach can be dispensed with. (A) the analysis easily incorporates endogenous markups, Nash Cournot or Nash Bertrand, which give data-consistent results about markups. (B) positive aggregate profit income is simple to incorporate in general equilibrium. (C) the (average) productivity of different categories (e.g., quintals) of firms can be calculated directly from data. (D) no integrals/integration/parametric distributions are required. Key properties of the conventional approach are reproduced, such as the sorting toward more productive firms as the economy grows or trade costs fall. I argue that my alternative also has two practical contributions. First, it allows a straightforward way to insert firm heterogeneity or capacity constraints into conventional general-equilibrium simulation models, with no complex added coding. Second, the analysis illustrates a powerful way to deal with “zeros” in a much broader range of applications (e.g., trade links and sector outputs allowed to change from active to inactive or vice versa in counterfactual experiments).

Resource Details (Export Citation) GTAP Keywords
Category: 2024 Conference Paper
Status: Not published
By/In: Presented during the 27th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis (Fort Collins, Colorado, USA)
Date: 2024
Version: 1
Created: Markusen, J. (3/20/2024)
Updated: Markusen, J. (5/27/2024)
Visits: 411
- Bridging CGE and new quantitative trade (NQT) literature
- Advances in quantitative methods
- Software and modeling tools

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