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James Markusen

Created: 1/13/2024
Updated: 3/20/2024
Visits: 167
Dr. James Markusen
Distinguished Professor

University of Colorado, Boulder
675 Utica Ave
United States
17205193101 (ph)

Curriculum Vitae - James Markusen

Bio for James Markusen, University of Colorado, Boulder

I was raised in Minneapolis and earned my BA and PhD degrees in Economics from Boston College. My first position after graduate school was in Canada at the University of Western Ontario. In 1990, I moved to the University of Colorado, Boulder. Normal life has been interspersed with visiting appointments in Ghana, Australia, New Zealand, Germany, Ireland, Israel, Spain, Switzerland, Denmark, and Japan. More recently, I have been learning more about East Asia with a number of visits to China, Japan, Hong Kong and Singapore.

My principal interests are in the field of international trade. My research for the last 25 years has concentrated on the location, production, and welfare effects of large-scale firms and multinational corporations. I have worked on analytical models, numerical simulation models, and empirical estimation. Many years of work researching multinational firms culminated in a book on the role of multinationals in the international economy, which was published by the MIT press in the summer of 2002. I am particularly known for developing the horizontal model of multinationals: the replication of firm activities in many countries better characterizes multinationals than vertical models based on production fragmentation. My contributions on the boundaries of the firm, owned affiliates versus outsourcing, focus on the non-excludable and non-rivaled properties of knowledge capital. While continuing to work on multinationals and the non-rivaled and non-excludable properties of knowledge capital in particular, I have more recently worked on a diverse set of issues including export-platform foreign direct investment, fragmentation and trade at the extensive margin, and selection and learning effects in multinational firms explaining their higher wages. Recent work focuses on non-homothetic preferences and explores the role of income elasticities in explaining empirical and policy puzzles.

Outside of academia, I served as a researcher and advisor during the mid 1980's for the McDonald Royal Commission in Canada, which laid the foundation for the US-Canada free trade agreement. In the early 1990's, I worked with Mexican economists on the North American auto industry, attempting to estimate the effects of the (then) proposed North American free trade area (NAFTA) on the location of production and employment within North America. I also served as an advisor to the Danish Ministry of Trade and Industry on a variety of projects. The World Bank, the Intra-American Development Bank and the EU Commission are some of the other institutions that call occasionally.

I have also focused on pedagogic contributions over the last twenty years or so. I view my role as a bridge between theory and applied general-equilibrium modeling, showing the way for incorporating more complex features into AGE models: increasing returns, imperfect competition and endogenous markups, multinational firms, quantitative restrictions, externalities and so forth. I have taught short courses in modeling in a number of countries, including Denmark, Sweden, Germany, Switzerland, Ireland, Russia, China, Australia and Ukraine. Many of my teaching materials are found on my website, and two pedagogic articles have been recently published in the JGEA.

I am married to economist and economic historian Ann Carlos, a native of Ireland. Our son Peter is a Sheriff’s Deputy, and our daughter Hilary is an associate professor at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, specializing in limnology. I remain an avid cyclist trying to keep up with Hilary, enjoy scuba diving trips with Peter and Shannon, and skiing with Ann and the others.

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