GTAP Models: Home

The standard GTAP Model is a multiregion, multisector, computable general equilibrium model, with perfect competition and constant returns to scale. Bilateral trade is handled via the Armington assumption. The GTAP Model was initially documented in the GTAP Book and recent changes in the model structure can be found in various papers listed below: There is also a technical paper which provides a graphical exposition of the GTAP Model which is useful for beginners.
Innovative aspects of this model include:
- The treatment of private household preferences using the non-homothetic CDE functional form,
- The explicit treatment of international trade and transport margins, and
- A global banking sector which intermediates between global savings and consumption.
The GTAP Model is formulated in GEMPACK. RunGTAP, a program developed by Mark Horridge at the Centre of Policy Studies, is a visual interface to various GEMPACK programs and is freely avaialable for download from the link above. RunGTAP allows the user to run simulations interactively in a Windows environment using the GTAP general equilibrium model. Working through the hands-on document and replicating the book and short course applications provided with RunGTAP is a good way to learn how to use RunGTAP and the GTAP Model.
Dynamic GTAP Model
GDyn is the result of continuing research aimed at extending GTAP's standard modeling framework to incorporate dynamic behavior. It includes all the special features of the standard GTAP Model, such as the sophisticated consumer demands and inter-sectoral factor mobility, as well as incorporating a new treatment of investment behavior and additional accounting relations to keep track of foreign ownership of capital. The Dynamic GTAP Model, developed by Elena Ianchovichina and Robert McDougall, is documented in GTAP Technical Paper No. 17. A Dynamic Short Course is offered every other year to help disseminate this work.
Last Modified: 10/24/2017 9:49:46 AM