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Houcine Boughanmi

Created: 2/15/2002
Updated: 11/14/2014
Visits: 1,862
Dr. Houcine Boughanmi
Associate Professor and WTO Chair

Sultan Qaboos University
College of Agriculture
AL Khod, Muscat 123
(968) 99411552 (ph)
(968) 24413418 (fx)

Dr. Houcine Boughanmi is an Associate Professor and WTO Chair at the Department of Natural Resource Economics at Sultan Qaboos University (SQU), Oman. He got his bachelor degree from the University of Tunis, then his MSc from the University of Kentucky, USA and His PhD from Oregon State University, USA. Dr Boughanmi has More than 30 years of experience in teaching, research and community services and has published extensively in reputable academic journals. Dr. Boughanmi‘s research interest includes international trade using partial and general equilibrium modeling, food demand, food policy and food security. He published on the effect of WTO on Oman’s trade and the GCC regional trade arrangements and is currently working on MENA Regional Trade Arrangement. He is currently a chair holder of the WTO Chair programme. Under the WTO chair program he is coordinating a number of research activities dealing with Food security and WTO related issues. He also served as a co-investigator in a number of SQU funded research projects in the areas of agricultural production and marketing. He served for the fourth consecutive year as the Academic Coordinator of the Regional Trade Policy Course held at Sultan Qaboos University in collaboration with WTO.

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