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Member Details
Roberto Telleria

Created: 12/13/2003
Updated: 6/28/2012
Visits: 3,851
Dr. Roberto Telleria
Agricultural Policy Specialist

International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA)
Amman 11195, Jordan
Amman P.O. Box 950764
+962-(0)795973701 (ph)
+962-6-5531237, int. 109 (fx)

Roberto Telleria has fifteen years of professional and academic experience in areas of agricultural policies, rural development; poverty alleviation and livelihoods; fund mobilisation; international trade; monitoring, formulation & evaluation; and capacity building. Throughout these years has held professional posts in international and research institutions such as the International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas - ICARDA (in Syria), the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations - FAO (in Italy) and the European Union (in Bolivia), as well as lecturing posts at the University of Reading (UK), and the Autonomous University Gabriel Rene Moreno (Bolivia).

Has worked at a Bolivian NGO Grupo Nacional de Trabajo para la Participación where he coordinated international-funded programmes (such as DFID-funded programme in Bolivia called Trade and Poverty in Latin America and think tank networks (such the Bolivian segment of a Latin-American Territorial Economic Development Network -DETE-ALC–Bolivia, Has worked with governments of Latin America (Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Panama, Uruguay and Venezuela), Asia (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Syria) and Africa (Angola), and as free-lance consultant for USAID, ECLAC, GCIAR, DAI and others. Currently, he is Agricultural Policy Specialist at ICARDA (Jordan).

He is economist from the National University of Córdoba (Argentina, 1995), Master of Science (2000) and Doctor in Philosophy (2007), both from the University of Reading (UK). Familiar with the UN system and agencies, NGOs and global issues and priorities, his current research areas include agricultural policies and food security, regional integration and rural development.

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