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Srabashi Ray

Created: 3/2/2020
Updated: 1/4/2024
Visits: 2,570
Dr. Srabashi Ray
Post-Doctoral Research Fellow

Center for Global Trade Analysis, Department of Agricultural Economics, Purdue University
403 Mitch Daniels Blvd.
KRAN #645
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2056
United States
- (ph)
+1 765 494-9176 (fx)

Curriculum Vitae - Srabashi Ray

Srabashi Ray, an environmental economist, works towards the sustainable transformation of our food systems. She applies economic theory and innovative modelling techniques, grounded in the Global-Local-Global (GLG) approach. By leveraging high-resolution spatial datasets and integrated models of coupled human-natural systems, Srabashi’s research enhances our understanding of market-mediated impacts of local policies at a global scale as well as impacts of global stressors at a local level. Her work thus far has focused on evaluating policy interventions to limit global emissions, implications of the dual challenges of agricultural labor and resource scarcity and the joint adoption of agricultural technologies to alleviate food security in developing countries.

Her research has been published in peer reviewed journals such as Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy and Environmental Research Letters. Currently Srabashi is a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, with the Global-Local-Global Analysis of System Sustainability Network (GLASSNET) in the Center of Global Trade Analysis Project at Purdue University. Previously she earned her doctoral from Oregon State University (OSU) and worked with CGIAR research centers in New Delhi.

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