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Leysa Maty Sall

Created: 2/22/2021
Updated: 2/26/2024
Visits: 995
Ms. Leysa Maty Sall
PhD Student at Bordeaux School of Economics and Economist at CEPII

Bordeaux School of Economics and CEPII
20 Avenue Segur
0761660807 (ph)

Leysa is a Statistician and Economist Engineer graduated in 2017 from the National School of Statistics and Economic Analysis (ENSAE) in Dakar. Prior to that, she holds a Bachelor in Math’s- Physics and Computer science and a M.Sc. in Probability and statistics from Cheikh Anta Diop University.
Leysa works as an economist working with the trade policy team at CEPII (Centre d'Etudes Prospectives et d'Informations Internationales) on modelling trade and environmental policies.
Prior to that she worked as a Senior Associate scientist at AKADEMIYA2063 where she contributed to several activities including the development of a Scorecard to advise regional agri-food trade integration in West Africa, the African Agricultural Trade Monitor (AATM), the assessment of the implications of the Ukraine/Russia crisis on food and agriculture markets in countries in Africa South of the Sahara, the assessment of Macro Effects of Trade Disruption induced by the COVID-19 pandemic, the Analysis of Eastern Africa Agricultural Sector Competitiveness and the FAO Agricultural Trade Monitoring Project and other trade related projects.

Leysa worked also with Africa Division at IFPRI as a research analyst for 3 years. She was involved in different projects including the National Agricultural Investment Plan (NAIP) Analytical Support for ECOWAS and Southern African countries, the Voice for Change Partnership (V4CP) led by The Netherlands Development Organization (SNV) and the PAPA Project (Senegal Agricultural Program Support). Her main tasks were to assist in data processing, economic analysis, literature review and draft reports. Her research interest includes mainly Inclusive growth and value chain development, structural transformation, food, and nutrition security and other topics related to agricultural productivity.

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