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GTAP Resource #2857

"GTAP 7 Data Base Documentation - Chapter 7 I-O Table: Ecuador"
by Ludena, Carlos and José Elías Durán Lima

This document describes the steps behind the construction of Ecuador's Input-Output (I-O) table for the Global Trade Analysis Project (GTAP). The GTAP Input-Output table for Ecuador is based on the 2001 Supply and Use matrices compiled by the Central Bank of Ecuador. The Central Bank of Ecuador is the only official provider of these data in Ecuador, and is in charge of collecting and processing data on National Accounts.

This document is divided in 4 sections. The next section explains the data, their particular characteristics and its salient economic features. Section 3 describes the process of building the database, outlining some of the assumptions made about the structure of the source data so it can be consistent with GTAP specifications. Section 4 describes briefly the sectoral aggregation and splits. Finally, section 5 describes source data missed in the process of moving to the GTAP specification.

Resource Details (Export Citation) GTAP Keywords
Category: GTAP 7 Data Base Documentation
Status: Published
By/In: Center for Global Trade Analysis
Date: 2008
Created: Batta, G. (9/26/2008)
Updated: Ludena, C. (10/30/2008)
Visits: 4,512
- The GTAP Data Base and extensions
- South America

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Comments (2 posted)
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Posted by: Arias, Joaquin   11/4/2013 10:16:00 PM
Where is the file?

Posted by: Salazar, Abraham   6/18/2017 1:34:00 PM
How do I get this document?