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GTAP Resource #3115

"Central American - European Union Association Agreement: Assessment using General and Partial Equilibrium"
by Durán Lima, José Elías, Carlos Ludena, Mariano Alvarez and Carlos De Miguel

Five economies of Central America (CA) —Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua— are negotiating an Association Agreement with the European Union (EU). Using the General Equilibrium (GTAP model and database) and Partial Equilibrium methodology, this paper presents an assessment of the socioeconomic and environmental impacts for CA and the EU coming from this agreement.

In order to develop this work we have considered the trade sensitivities for CA and for the EU. Three scenarios were established: a) full liberalization; b) liberalization with the exclusion of all sensitive products in both sides; and c) liberalization considering only “fruits and vegetables” as sensitive by the EU. Results show that a full liberalization for all tariff-lines would promote the expansion of exports of all countries signing the agreement, especially those for agricultural products and light manufactures. Additionally, it would improve welfare for all CA countries due to the improvement of their terms of trade by raising export prices of agricultural products, in particular fruits and vegetables, other crops and some manufactures. The scenario excluding sensitive products shows the worst results, with a small growth in trade (1.2%) and welfare loses explained by terms of terms worsening and efficiency loses in the use of resources. In the other hand, when the European Union excludes only fruits and vegetables, results for trade and product remain positive.

Partial Equilibrium simulations give additional information about the kind of products most positive affected trade liberalization, which are basically agricultural and agroindustrial products. The simulations also support the preliminary intuition that the biggest profits come from a general cut of all current protection levels. Regarding welfare, similar as in the general equilibrium, Costa Rica leads the improvements due to its condition of principal partner of the EU.

Resource Details (Export Citation) GTAP Keywords
Category: 2009 Conference Paper
Status: Published
By/In: Presented at the 12th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, Santiago, Chile
Date: 2009
Created: Durán Lima, J. (4/15/2009)
Updated: Ludena, C. (6/17/2009)
Visits: 3,331
- Domestic policy analysis
- Trade and the environment
- European Union
- Commonwealth of Independent States

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