GTAP Data Bases: GTAP 8 Data Base
What is the GTAP 8 Data Base?The centerpiece of the Global Trade Analysis Project is the GTAP Data Base, a fully documented, publicly available global data base which contains complete bilateral trade information, transport and protection linkages. The GTAP Data Base is utilized by thousands worldwide and is a key input into contemporary applied general equilibrium analysis of global economic issues. The current release, the GTAP 8 Data Base, boasts dual reference years of 2004 and 2007 as well as 129 regions for all 57 GTAP commodities.
The GTAP Data Base is most commonly used with the GTAP Model and RunGTAP software. First, the user must aggregate the data (regions, commodities and endowments) using the GTAPAgg (or FlexAgg) program provided with the data base to the desired level and then use with the GTAP or GTAPinGams model/s to analyze the impact of global policies (trade, environmental, migration policies are commonly examined). Alternatively a user may be interested in extracting country SAMs or I-O tables from the GTAP Data Base for single country models. If you are interested in these alternative uses of the GTAP Data Base, we suggest you read through the points detailed on this page about what GTAP Data Base is not.
What's New in GTAP 8?
- Dual reference years: 2004 and 2007
Additional regional disaggregation: 129 regions and 57 sectors
Newly added regions: Bahrain, Cameroon, Cote d'Ivoire, El Salvador, Ghana, Honduras, Israel, Kenya, Kuwait, Mongolia, Namibia, Nepal, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates
Updated/Improved regions: Australia, Bolivia, Brazil, China, Ethiopia, India, Malaysia, Mexico, Norway, Philippines, Switzerland, Thailand, Uganda, Venezuela and Zimbabwe
- New macro-economic data for 2004 and 2007
- New trade data for 2004 and 2007
- New protection data for 2007
- New Time-Series Bilateral Trade data from 1995-2009
- Improved bilateral services trade data for 2004 and 2007
- Improved energy data for 2004 and 2007
- Revised OECD domestic support for 2004 and 2007
- New export subsidies data for 2007
- Revised treatment of taxes in the agricultural and energy sectors
- Additional information on contributed I-O tables
- Decomposition of tariff (into ad valorem and specific) and OECD domestic support payments data (into different types of payments based on the extent of decoupling and base)
- CO2 emissions dataset integrated into core data base
What is included in the GTAP 8 Data Base?
Purchasers of the GTAP 8 Data Base will receive electronic access to the following:
- GTAP 8 Data Base Documentation (Reported Issues and Patches)
GTAP 8 GTAPAgg Package - Patches Free Demo Version
GTAPAgg is a software package developed by Mark Horridge at the Centre of Policy Studies, for use in creating aggregated data bases from the fully disaggregated GTAP Data Base. Nearly all applications of the GTAP Model use an aggregation of the data base. The software helps you prepare an aggregation scheme, then uses your scheme to prepare an aggregated data base for the GTAP Model, as well as aggregated time-series and GTAPView data. The GTAPAgg Package includes an encrypted version of the latest release of the GTAP Data Base. Please note that the main data file in the GTAPAgg package, basedata.hrx, is encrypted. It can only be used with GTAPAgg since decryption is performed together with the aggregation. -
GTAP 8 FlexAgg Package
FlexAgg is a command-line aggregation program for use in creating aggregated data bases from the fully disaggregated GTAP Data Base. The FlexAgg program performs the same task as the GTAPAgg program. However, GTAPAgg has a user friendly windows interface, while FlexAgg uses a batch file to run a series of GEMPACK executable files. For most users of the GTAP Data Base, the GTAPAgg program, with its user friendly windows interface, is both easier to use and sufficient for most purposes. In some special cases however, experienced users may want to modify the GTAP Data Base and use the FlexAgg program to aggregate their modified data.
New Users
GTAP 8 Data Base Documentation chapters 1 and 2 are particularly useful for new users to see how what is included in the GTAP Data Base and how it was structured. The GTAP Data Base is designed to be used with the GTAP Model. If you are interested in learning more, we suggest applying up for an upcoming GTAP Short Course or working through the vast materials on the website by reviewing our "Getting Started with GTAP" page.
Additional resources:
- Introduction to the Global Trade Analysis Project and the GTAP Data Base, GTAP Working Paper No. 67
- Deriving a Global Social Accounting Matrix, GTAP Technical Paper No. 22
- RunGTAP and Hands-on Computing with RunGTAP and WinGEM To Introduce GTAP and GEMPACK (See section A detailing how to use the GTAP Data Base with the GTAP Model and RunGTAP
- Assistance: see Technical Support section
The GTAP Data Base is NOT
- a repository of Input-Output tables. The GTAP Data Base is a consistent representation of the world economy in the year base of the current version. Underlying the data base there are national input-output tables, trade, macroeconomic, and protection data from several sources. The underlying input-output tables are heterogeneous in sources, base years, and sectoral detail, thus for achieving consistency, substantial efforts are made to make the disparate sources comparable. For these reasons, the objective of the GTAP Data Base is not to provide IO tables, but to facilitate the operation of economic simulation models ensuring users a consistent set of economic facts. Some users interested in particular SAM use utilities written by researchers in the network to extract them. Users building IO tables based on this information do that under their own risk, and are assumed to understand the limitations imposed by the process of data base construction.
- a repository of time series on economic data. Except for trade data, the GTAP Data Base is a cross-section of consistent data on consumption, production, and trade. Some users assume that binding together different versions of the data base will give them time-series variation. The users considering to do this are strongly encouraged to get familiar with the processes underlying the construction of the GTAP Data Base, and to take into account that for many countries, the underlying IO tables do not change from version to version --- most of the variability comes from adjustment processes based on macroeconomic/trade changes.
- a relational data base of economic variables. Users interested in economic data only for comparative purposes are better served by sources such as the World bank Development Indicators, the IMF's financial statistics, or the FAO's agricultural statistics, to name a few. The data in the GTAP Data Base accurately depicts the magnitudes of economic variables, but they are presented in terms of the aggregates that serve CGE modeling.
Minimum Installation Requirements
Hard disk with at least 256 Mb of RAM, Microsoft Windows 98, 2000, XP, Vista, 7
Technical Support
GTAP Network members in need of technical support are encouraged to use the following avenues to request assistance. General, non-technical inquiries may be addressed to
The Center for Global Trade Analysis maintains a searchable repository of frequently asked questions on many different aspects of GTAP. - GTAP Support Email is an account monitored by the Center for Global Trade Analysis' data team. Network members can email to reach a GTAP staff member for technical support on any GTAP product. - GTAP-L Mailing List
GTAP-L is an email-based list to which many members of the GTAP Network subscribe in order to receive updates on the GTAP Data Base, model, events, jobs and technical assistance. For further information, to subscribe or to access a searchable archive of GTAP-L messages, please visit the GTAP-L Mailing List homepage
Presentations on GTAP Data Base

How GTAP Network members are using the GTAP 8 Data Base
United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA)
Sub-regional Office for Eastern Africa (SRO-EA)
Kigali, Rwanda
African governments have embraced regional integration as a strategy to accelerate economic development and reduce poverty. The primary goal of regional integration through Preferential Trade Agreements (PTA's) is to promote trade and deeper integration by reducing trade barriers and increasing market access to member countries. The proposed Free Trade Area between the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA), the South African Development Community (SADC) and East African Community (EAC), has the main objective of strengthening and deepening economic integration in the southern and eastern Africa region. The COMESEA-SADC-EAC free trade area would include 26 African countries (more than half of the countries in Africa) with 57% of the population of the African Union. The free trade area is therefore considered an important milestone in the economic integration of the African continent.
In Economic Effect of the proposed COMESA-SADC-EAC Free Trade Area on Eastern Africa, we will use the GTAP (Global Trade Analysis Project) CGE model and database (8.0 version) to measure the effects of the proposed COMESA-SADC-EAC Free trade area on welfare, trade flows, prices, consumption and production in the region.
Sub-regional Office for Eastern Africa (SRO-EA)
Kigali, Rwanda
African governments have embraced regional integration as a strategy to accelerate economic development and reduce poverty. The primary goal of regional integration through Preferential Trade Agreements (PTA's) is to promote trade and deeper integration by reducing trade barriers and increasing market access to member countries. The proposed Free Trade Area between the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA), the South African Development Community (SADC) and East African Community (EAC), has the main objective of strengthening and deepening economic integration in the southern and eastern Africa region. The COMESEA-SADC-EAC free trade area would include 26 African countries (more than half of the countries in Africa) with 57% of the population of the African Union. The free trade area is therefore considered an important milestone in the economic integration of the African continent.
In Economic Effect of the proposed COMESA-SADC-EAC Free Trade Area on Eastern Africa, we will use the GTAP (Global Trade Analysis Project) CGE model and database (8.0 version) to measure the effects of the proposed COMESA-SADC-EAC Free trade area on welfare, trade flows, prices, consumption and production in the region.
Griffith University
Nathan, Australia
Associate Professor Jayatilleke S Bandara has been a member of the GTAP Network since 1997 and contributed to the GTAP 4 Data Base while he was at GTAP for four months on his sabbatical leave. He was instrumental in incorporating Vietnam, South Africa and Sri Lanka, for the first time, into GTAP 4. He has since been a regular contributor of the Sri Lankan I-O table to the GTAP Data Base. While contributing, he has used the GTAP Model and the data base to address various trade policy issues related to South Asia. His GTAP-related work has been published as book chapters and journal articles. He has also been a regular participant of the annual GTAP conference. Currently he is using the GTAP 8 Data Base to implement both static and dynamic GTAP models in order to analyse trade and food security related issues in South Asia. As a CGE modeller, he strongly believes that the GTAP 8 Data Base is extremely useful to address a wide-range of global issues such as trade, regional integration and climate change.
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, Colorado
Amanda M. Leister is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics at Colorado State University. Her research employs the new GTAP 8 Data Base and computable general equilibrium modeling techniques to investigate the economic implications of international trade policy, focusing specifically on the impacts of trade reform on agriculture. Amanda investigates issues related to the Doha Development Agenda of the World Trade Organization as well as bilateral and multilateral trade partnerships, nontariff barriers to trade, the role of agricultural trade policy on poverty as well as the trade implications of transboundary animal disease outbreaks.
Yunnan University of Finance and Economics
Kunming, China
As the foreign direct investment enters china in forms of setting up new enterprises, this research tends to apply the computable general equilibrium method to analyse its effects on the whole economy, factor market, product market, foreign market, and social welfare, etc., under the assumptions of perfect and imperfect competition, instead that former literatures focus more with the FDI inflow data on the technology spillover, export effect and economy boost under the econometrical method which turns to be relatively disconnected the link with the rest parts of the economy.
University of Agriculture and Forestry
Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam
The applied general equilibrium model is to investigate the impacts of biofuel production in Vietnam and policy implications on economic welfare, food security, and the environment using the two-period general equilibrium model with two regions (Vietnam and the rest of the world-ROW). The model is run using the General Algebraic Modeling Systems (GAMS) software.
The Overseas Coastal Area Development Institute of Japan (OCDI)
Tokyo, Japan
I utilized the past GTAP Data Bases and model for measuring impacts of international trade and freight transport policies as well as forecasting future amount of international trade and cargo, by combining with our originally developed model for predicting worldwide international cargo flow. As for the latest version, GTAP 8 Data Base, I'm also using it for renewing our estimation results on the future trade and logistics worldwide as well as those in several regions of the world. In particular, since I'm now engaged in several projects to support developing countries in North Africa (e.g. Egypt) and Southeast Asia (e.g. Myanmar) from the viewpoint of international logistics and infrastructure planning, the GTAP Data Base essentially needs when estimating future amount of international trade and cargo as well as measuring impacts of international trade and logistics policy including infrastructure investment in these regions.
Rio de Janeiro State University
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
With the deadlock in the Doha Round, Brazil is likely to move ahead with its trade liberalization agenda by means of bilateral agreements. I am interested in the analysis of the effects of selected agreements with special emphasis in relative gains and losses of the manufacturing sector vis a vis agriculture.
Renmin University of China
Beijing, China
Jun PANG, Ph.D. in Economics, is an associate professor at the School of Environment and Natural Resources, Renmin University of China. His research interests is energy and environmental policy analysis, taking the Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) model as a major analytical tool. At present, he takes the GTAP 8 Data Base as an important data source to develop a new multiregional CGE model.
National Board of Trade
Stockholm, Sweden
The National Board of Trade is the Swedish governmental expert agency dealing with foreign trade and trade policy. NBT is using the GTAP Model and Data Base as a complement to other quantitative and qualitative analytical work in the area of international trade analysis. The GTAP Model has primarily been used for simulating potential effects from multilateral and regional trade arrangements.
The Indonesian Institute of Science
Jakarta Selatan, Indonesia
LIPI (The Indonesian Institute of Sciences) is the top government research institute in Indonesia. It plays a leading role in the field of scientific and policy research. Currently, one of the LIPI's projects in the field of International Political Economy is a research on the feasibility study of Economic Cooperation Arrangement (ECA) between Indonesia and Taiwan. This research covers a comprehensive array of policy areas, foreign investments in Indonesia and Taiwan and the opportunities, trade and investment barriers in respective markets. Its goal is to provide strategic advice or policy recommendations and active support for key stakeholders in Indonesia and Taiwan.
Rio de Janeiro Rural Federal University
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Rosana Curzel is an Assistant Professor of Economics at the Rio de Janeiro Rural Federal University in Brazil. She researches costs and benefits of international trade negotiations such as the WTO's Doha Round for South American countries. In the last two years, she has been focusing on the analysis of the economic impacts of the failed Doha Round on Brazilian industry. By using the GTAP Model, more specifically its incorporated data bank, she is able to break down the costs and benefits for each business industry. She has been using GTAP software since graduate school and is very satisfied with its performance.
Poznan University of Life Sciences
Poznan, Poland
The aim of her present research using GTAP Model is to assess some changes in agri-food trade value, prices and production of basic food and agricultural products in the European Union countries in the conditions of potential liberalisation of the world agricultural trade and absence of further action taken in this direction. She is also interested in investigation of competitive position of the European Union countries on the world and regional market of agricultural products.
Universite du Quebec, INRS-UCS
Montreal, Canada
Together with Bernard Decaluwe, Veronique Robichaud and Helene Maisonnave, we have developed a series of standard CGE models in GAMS for the Partnership for Economic Policy Research Network ( Our multi-region world models have been developed using the GTAP 7 Data Base, and we are in the process of moving on to GTAP 8. All models and documentation are freely accessible under a Creative Commons license.
University of New England
Armidale, Australia
I have used previous versions of GTAP Data Base to analyse trade policy issues of Australia, Japan, South Asia and China and the extended regional coverage of the GTAP 8 Data Base will facilitate further my research in this area. I have just received an Australian Research Council (ARC) Linkage grant for next four years and there are 6 researchers in my team. The AGL Energy Ltd is our linkage partner. Our aim is to develop a multi-regional CGE model for Australia which is capable of analysing the responses of energy users (consumers) and energy suppliers (producers) to the carbon tax in Australia, especially at regional level. As an extension to our work, we plan to use the GTAP 8 Data Base and GTAT-E to link our national model to the world model. In doing so, we plan to generate our modelling capacity to analyse the impact of government's proposed policy of linking Australian carbon price to the EU's emissions trading scheme.
FACE and Cedeplar - UFMG
Belo Horizonte, Brazil
I am using the GTAP 8 Data to study three main topics, focusing the brazillian economy: trade agreements, natural resources (oil), and climate change policies (carbon tax and cap-and-trade). We are also using the Dynamic version of the GTAP Model. I have one Ph.D. student under my supervision using the GTAP Model and Data Base.
Banco Central de Venezuela
Caracas, Venezuela
I am a Senior Research Economist at the Central Bank of Venezuela. My area of interest lies in the applied optimization methods. Sectorial analysis is part of my job along with other issues regarding international macroeconomics. The GTAP Data Base and the computable general equilibrium models (both the static-comparative and the recursive) are applied in my research about factual and counter-factual analysis of trade policy and tax incidence. For instance, currently I am working on the sectorial impacts and macroeconomic risks relative to Venezuela's accession to MERCOSUR. I have been part of the GTAP Network since 2003 and, at the present time, I am a data contributor in representation of the Central Bank of Venezuela.
Hanyang University
Ansan, South Korea
I am a development economist with interest in exploring the issues of growth and development in the context of the economies already integrated into global trade and those pursuing their efforts to catch up with the forces of globalization. My research emphasizes on the issues of growth and technological change and its spillover; trade, international economic integration; human capital, skill acquisition and technology adoption. I am also interested in diversifying in the area of export sophistication, fragmentation, and migration issues. I follow economy-wide impact analysis of these issues employing global CGE GTAP Model. Being a user since my Doctoral studies at Monash University and a GTAP Data Base subscriber since 2002, I find GTAP 8 extremely useful for furthering my work in the area of trade, technology and migration. Most of my publications are based on different versions of the GTAP Data Base and augmented GTAP Model.
Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences (JIRCAS)
Tsukuba, Japan
In my work I am calculating price elasticities of demand of grains using multi-stage differential demand system and price elasticities of supply of them under the Cobb-Douglas technologies for the new world food model which is a partial equilibrium model. I am using the GTAP 8 data for the calculation of these parameters.
Tokyo University of Science
Noda, Japan
GTAP is indispensable for our research purpose most recently with "THERESIA: Toward Holistic Economy, Resource and Energy Structure for the Integrated Assessment of Global Warming Mitigation Options" in which we describe an energy-economy model formulated as a dynamic optimization model which deals with multi-regions, multi-sectors and energy technologies.
Kiel Institute for the World Economy
Kiel, Germany
The research area "The Environment and Natural Resources" uses the GTAP Data Base to calibrate its multi-regional, multi-sectoral, recursive dynamic CGE model DART that is designed and used for the analysis of international climate policy and related issues. We have just finished work on the strategic incentives for higher than "fair" border carbon adjustments and are in the process of analyzing the implications of different Post-Kyoto climate policy scenarios for China and India within a larger set of soft-linked models. There is special focus on land-use and bioenergy and DART is currently coupled to a physical model of biomass growth in order to derive medium term scenarios for land-use dynamics. The GTAP 8 Data Base with its extended coverage of regions will be especially helpful for our project to analyze the economic impacts of the DESERTEC project for Europe and the MENA region.
National Institute for Rural Engineering
Tsukuba, Japan
After the East Japan Big earthquake, the economic evaluation on the unexpected disasters is highly needed. I would like to evaluate economic impacts of such disasters by using dynamic GTAP model with consideration of accumulation pneess in the capital stocks.
Australian National University
Canberra, Australia
The research team lead by Warwick McKibbin and Peter Wilcoxen at Brookings and the Australian National University have since the early days of the GTAP project, used the GTAP Data Base as a critical input into the construction of the G-Cubed intertemporal general equilibrium model of the global economy. This model is currently being used for evaluating global and national policies in the areas of: climate change policy, trade policy, energy policy, monetary and fiscal policy, global trade and financial imbalances, financial crises and swings in risk assessment, modelling pandemics. Details can be found at
Srinakharinwirot University
Bangkok, Thailand
I am conducting a dissertation which evaluates effects of being trade integration among countries, in particular ASEANs. Not only trade effects dimension but also environment impacts are examined in this study which analyzes both effects with dynamic methodology. Thus, GTAP 8 Data Base and GDyn-E are chosen to be main data and model in the dissertation, respectively.
Boston University
Boston, United States
Ian Sue Wing is Associate Professor in the Department of Earth & Environment at Boston University. He conducts research and teaching on the economic analysis of energy and environmental policy, with an emphasis on climate change and computational general equilibrium (CGE) analysis of economic adjustment to policy and natural environmental shocks. His current research focuses on characterizing the broader economic consequences of climate change impacts in a variety of areas (energy systems, agriculture and forestry, and human health), assessing the implications for society's capacity to mitigate future emissions of greenhouse gases, and simulating the regional economic impacts of natural disasters. Much of this work involves articulating the structural linkages between CGE models and econometric models of climate impacts, or bottom-up science- or engineering-based process simulations of energy systems, agro-ecosystems, and natural hazards. He has been supported by grants from the California Energy Commission, the U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Science, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the U.S. Geological Survey and the National Science Foundation. He has been a member of advisory and review panels for the DOE, the Environmental Protection Agency, the National Research Council and NSF, and serves as a contributing author to the IPCC AR5 and the U.S. National Climate Assessment.
University of Queensland
Brisbane, Australia
I use the GTAP Data Base for a variety of investigations including trade liberalisation and agricultural development policies in sub-Sahara African countries. I have found the data base to be useful as single country models are not available for many of the countries in which I am interested. I am currently working with the Land Use and Land Cover Data Base to analyse possible climate change mitigation policies.
University of Chicago
Chicago, United States
The paper I have been using the GTAP 8 Data Base for is called "Trade Wars and Trade Talks with Data".
How large are optimal tariffs? What tariffs would prevail in a worldwide trade war? How costly would be a breakdown of international trade policy cooperation? And what is the scope for future multilateral trade negotiations? I address these and other questions using a unified framework which nests traditional, new trade, and political economy motives for protection. I find that optimal tariffs average 59 percent, world trade war tariffs average 58 percent, the welfare losses from a breakdown of international trade policy cooperation average 2.4 percent, and the possible welfare gains from future multilateral trade negotiations average 0.5 percent.
Curtin University
Bentley, Australia
I am analysing the effects of regional integration in South Asia with the GTAP 8 Data Base. To my knowledge, there is no alternative to the GTAP Data Base if someone is willing to embark on a project that require an equilibrium database that is global in nature. The extension of the data base to implement dynamic version of the GTAP Model has been particularly useful for me.
University of Rhode Island
Kingston, United States
I use the GTAP 8 Data Base to evaluate the textile and apparel (T&A) sectoral impact of various newly-reached or negotiated free trade agreements. For example, in my recent studies, I finds that the Transpacific Partnership Agreement (TPP) might lead to a fundamental shift in the pattern of T&A trade within the Pacific Rim, creating both winners and losers. According to the findings, such a result would be caused jointly by the trade creation and trade diversion effect of the TPP as well as the T&A-specific regional production and trade network (RPTN) in the Asia-Pacific region.
National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Golden, United States
We are using the GTAP 8 Land Use and Land Cover Data Base to provide inputs into a land-use-change (LUC) model, called BioLUC, that uses a system-dynamics approach. The BioLUC model takes aggregated data from the GTAP data base (and other resources) such as yields and production area and then through a stock and flow system dynamically tracks how land use changes overtime to meet future demand scenarios. Existing more detailed models are typically not intended to easily and quickly run multiple alternative scenarios or switch easily between datasets. BioLUC is intended to complement existing LUC modeling approaches by being a tool to more easily testing assumptions and examine possible trends in future LUC.
Griffith University
Gold Coast, Australia
My main research interests are trade reforms and poverty linkage, modelling climate change impacts, agricultural productivity and regional economic growth. Currently I am involved in developing a State level bottom-up Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) model for India to explore the regional impacts of economic reforms.
McGill University
Montreal, Canada
Recently a research work on 'Economy wide Impacts of Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement between India and Canada at 2030' led by me as a principal investigator in collaboration with the Department of Economics, Jadavpur University, Calcutta, India under the 'Shastri Pro Development Initiative Grant' of Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute, Calgary, Canada has used GTAP 8 Database extensively. The GTAP 8 Data base and model played a central role in assessing the possible long term economic and environmental impacts of a Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA) between India and Canada. Adopting a CEPA will greatly enhance bilateral trade between the two nations despite having a small positive impact on output and marginal environmental cost.
Institute for Environmental Studies, VU University Amsterdam
Amsterdam, Netherlands
My research focuses on the effects of the European Union's low-carbon policy on international trade, carbon leakage, and international technology spillovers. For this research I benefit enormously from the global coverage and industry detail of the GTAP 8 Data Base. For more information about the research project, see
Kuwait Institute of Scientific Research (KISR)
Kuwait City, Kuwait
I am a research economist currently working with the economic public policy research programme of the Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research (KISR). I have several years research experience in developing and applying single country CGE models, focussing on Scotland and Ethiopia. Recently started using GTAP for energy, migration and regional trade integration policies in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) member countries.
Praha, Czech Republic
So far I have used the GTAP data in three different ways:
- I teach two courses, one on international trade theory, the second one on trade policy analysis. In these courses I am using GTAP to demonstrate how GE models work.
- I am using GTAP to extract some of the data which I need for research work on effects of exchange rate misalignments.
- I tried to use GTAP for (cautious) estimates of effects of proposed trade liberalization (TTIP) on the Czech Republic.
Fudan University BRICS Center
Shanghai, China
I'm from Fudan University BRICS research center and mainly research the long-term prospects of BRICS countries' trade and investment.
Jamia Millia Islamia
New Delhi, India
I am Professor at the Department of Economics and Director of the Centre for Jawaharlal Nehru Studies, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi. I have also served as Senior Economist and Economist at the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), India Programme, New Delhi. While working at UNCTAD, I have used the GTAP 6 and 7 Data Bases for analysing various trade policy issues such as Assessment of Green Box Subsidies, Quantification of Benefits from Economic Cooperation in South Asia, India-EU FTA, India-ASEAN FTA and on many other Indian regional and multilateral trade integration initiatives. I have also worked on India-Korea CEPA, India-Australia FTA and India-Japan CEPA using GTAP Model and data bases. I have published 7 research papers using GTAP (Model and Database) in refereed international and national journals of repute. I intend to use GTAP 8 Data Base to assess the effects of Indian regional trade agreements, trade-environment linkages, fiscal deficits and economic growth and patterns of energy uses in India under the assumptions of perfectly competitive and imperfectly competitive market conditions.
The University of Nottingham Ningbo China
Ningbo, China
My research interests are in trade and regional integration with a focus in the East Asia region. I use the GTAP Data Base and CGE simulations extensively in my research work that looks into potential economic effects of various FTA scenarios on members and non-member economies as well as likely effects of liberalising individual sectors or sub-sectors of individual economies. The GTAP Data Base is also very useful for me to investigate industries linkages across countries, vertical integrations, and global production chains.
Interested in receiving the GTAP Data Base for free?
A free copy of the GTAP Data Base is available to individuals who contribute an acceptable Input-Output table to the GTAP Data Base. Contributors receive a copy of the GTAP Data Base to which they contributed as well as access to all interim releases, via a secured website.
Last Modified: 1/8/2021 2:59:55 PM